As the U.S. treasury announces the legendary Harriet Tubman as the new
face of the 20 dollar bill, she also drew praise from religious freedom
advocates for her deep and abiding Christian faith.
“Harriet Tubman was a woman of faith who was not afraid to act on her
beliefs to fight for justice,” said Kristina Arriaga, executive
director of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.
“Her incredible moral and physical courage is an example to all
Americans, as is her willingness to act on her Christian faith. She is
an icon of religious liberty.”
Known for helping rescue hundreds of fugitive slaves through a
network called the Underground Railroad, Tubman will replace former
president Andrew Jackson – who will now be placed on the back of the
bill, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced April 20.
Lew said Wednesday that Tubman’s life “reflects both American values
and American democracy, but also the power of an individual to make a
difference in our democracy.”
The civil-war era hero was a member of the African Methodist
Episcopal Zion Church, and credited her Christian faith for inspiring
her to help slaves escape from the U.S. south and into a free life in
Canada, the Beckett fund reported.