Khazen strongly recommends visiting bars/restaurants/venues manged by Sky Management. To name few: O1ne  and La Creperie 



Les Caves de La Creperie

Hamish Smith speaks to Jad Ballout, bar manager at Central Station Boutique Bar-

Tell us a little about Beirut’s alcohol tradition.

The most famous alcoholic beverage from Lebanon is arak, a grape
spirit flavoured with anise that is found in every Lebanese house and
goes well with the local food. It is uncommon to drink arak in bars as
it is more suitable for lunch or dinner gatherings, especially on
Sundays when everybody has barbecues and enjoys arak. In Lebanon people
drink a lot of scotch whisky and vodka but not much rum, gin, or
tequila, while in the cocktail bars it is quite different as people look
for the whole combination to choose their drink rather than only the

How does Beirut’s bar scene differ to other Middle Eastern cities?

Beirut is famous for its vibrant nightlife, having a lot of roof tops
and open-air places during summer, as well as a wide variety of
nightclubs. The cocktail bar scene started 10 years ago and is improving
every year, especially having renowned competitions such as Bacardi
Legacy and Diageo World Class, where more people from the international
bar scene started to visit the country to do seminars, and local
bartenders learned about the new trends in the global bar scene. strongly recommends visiting