
Welcome to the web site, an online site dedicated to the De Khazen family, a family associated with the history of Lebanon, Kiserwan and the Maronites.

Cheikh Malek el Khazen is the founder of website and an expert in the technology and communication fields. mission statement: is a website dedicated to the De Khazen family, a family associated with the history of Lebanon, the Maronite Patriarch, the Lebanese Presidency, Mount-Lebanon, the Maronite community and the worldwide Catholic mission. The website aims to provide documentation manuscripts and analysis to its readers on the history of the Maronites, the De Khazen family key roles in the founding of what is known today as the Modern Lebanon and analysis on important events.


Some History about Lebanon and the Khazen’s

This website aims to introduce the El Khazen family and to act as a rallying point for all its member around the globe. A detailed history of the De Khazen family is available in the history section. It traces the history and lineage of our family a millennium back and tells the story of a noble family that into prominence around the 16th century and has been a major contributor to the history of Lebanon in general and to the Catholic Maronite sect in particular ever since. Since the 16th Century and up until now, the De Khazens are accorded the title of Cheikhs in Lebanon, a title equivalent to Dukes in the English feudal system; and frequently referred as “Prince of the Maronites” by the Kings of France.  The titles were granted and confirmed by the different rulers of Lebanon in recognition to a family that produced Three (3) Maronite Patriarchs and a plethora of statesmen and benefactors who defended the Lebanese nation and their faith with generosity and vigor. The Khazen family tree will be an ongoing project on this site; it is a work in progress and will be updated regularly as we obtain new information. Please email me, Malek, for any new inclusions or corrections.

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