
Image result for boris johnson

By Aidan McLaughlin —– Boris Johnson, the mop-haired politician most likely to succeed Theresa May as U.K. prime minister, faced intense questioning from a BBC anchor over his response to President Donald Trump’s harsh words for a British ambassador. Trump leveled a brutal attack at Sir Kim Darroch, the U.K. ambassador in Washington, after cables were leaked showing Darroch criticizing the president. Johnson declined to speak out in support of Darroch, who resigned this week amidst the feud. “The president called him ‘wacky’, ‘pompous’, a ‘fool’, ‘stupid.’ You didn’t have a word of criticism of the president,” BBC anchor Andrew Neil said to Johnson in a tough interview. “I’m on record as saying plenty of critical things of the president in the past,” Johnson replied. “Not on this,” Neil shot back. “People worry, will you be as craven if you were prime minister?” “Don’t be ridiculous,” Johnson protested.

The former London mayor went on to note that he “fired back” at Trump after he claimed London had been radicalized and proposed a Muslim ban in 2015. Johnson at the time said Trump was “clearly out of his mind”, “stupefyingly ignorant”, “unfit to be president” and “playing the game of terrorists”. “Is he still stupefyingly ignorant?” Neil asked Johnson. Johnson dodged. Watch above, via BBC.