
by Naharnet Newsdesk:

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun launched on Saturday a scathing attack against Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji, accusing him of serving the interests of politicians instead of those of the nation.

He declared after an extraordinary meeting of the Change and Reform bloc: “Qahwaji has politicized the army and we warn him against placing the military in confrontation with the people.”

The meeting was held following the extension of the term of senior security officials on Thursday despite Aoun’s objections.

The lawmaker accused the army of shortcomings in curbing the flow of arms in the northern city of Tripoli and northeastern border town of Arsal, adding that Hizbullah’s “sacrifices for Lebanon are due to these shortcomings.”

“Had it not been for Hizbullah, Christians would face the same one as that of those of Nineveh in Iraq,” remarked Aoun in reference to the persecution of minorities at the hand of jihadists.

Moreover, he warned Qahwaji against placing the army in a confrontation with the people similar to when they last staged protests, saying that he has staged a “coup, along with others” against Lebanon’s system.

The MP called on “all Lebanese to prepare themselves to stage demonstrations” against the cabinet and the corruption in the country.

He stated that the “government of garbage” has failed in its duties towards the people, lamenting the ongoing waste disposal crisis and poor electricity and water services throughout the country.

“All Lebanese are expected to express themselves during protests, which is a right preserved by the constitution,” he declared.

He stressed that the people hold the power in Lebanon, adding that officials “derive their legitimacy from them.”

Defense Minister Samir Moqbel extended on Thursday the terms of the army commander, chief of staff and the head of the Higher Defense Council despite months of objections by the FPM, which rejects the extension of the tenures of high-ranking military and security officials.

In June, FPM supporters took to the street and staged a demonstration near the Grand Serail in protest against its decision-making mechanism and in demand of the restoration of the rights of Christians.

Scuffles ensued between the protesters and security forces guarding the Serail as the demonstrators sought to approach the building.