
lights the pyramids to show solidarity with the people of , and

In the worst terror attack in Lebanon this year 43 people have died and 239 wounded after two blasts in the southern neighborhood of Beirut on Thursday.

Our Middle East reporter, Kareem Shaheen, based in Beirut said “Isis[’s] aim of the attack was to kill Shia Muslims. Local media identified the three suicide bombers, saying two of them were Palestinians and one Syrian. Burj al-Barajneh is a heavily populated, poor and crowded neighbourhood that is often associated with Hezbollah.”

A national day of mourning took place on Friday, which saw the closing of schools and universities as familes and friends of the victims deal with the aftermath.

Around the world people have been showing their solidarity. Tributes include lights projected on to the pyramids in Egypt remembering the victims of Russia, France and Lebanon.