

Commenting on anti-government demonstrations led by Hezbollah, Burns emphasized that the citizens of Lebanon have a right to voice their opinions and dissent. The United States, however, like many others in the international community, remains concerned about the "pernicious" influence of Iran and Syria in Lebanon’s internal affairs, according to Burns.

In November, President Bush condemned the assassination of Lebanese Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel and expressed support for the Siniora government. “We support the Siniora government and its democracy, and we support the Lebanese people’s desire to live in peace," Bush said. (See related article.)

Burns dismissed any parallel between the situation in the Palestinian Territories, where the United States has called for a broad government of national unity, and the situation in Lebanon. The current Lebanese government was democratically elected and is serving the people of Lebanon, Shiite, Sunni, Christian and other groups, Burns said. In contrast, the Hamas government in the Palestinian Territories "has still pledged to destroy Israel and to practice terrorism. The situations “could not be more dissimilar," according to Burns.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in an interview with Al Arabiya TV on December 1, said, "We believe that these people, whether they’re in the Palestinians territories, in Lebanon or in Iraq, want a unified future and we are determined to help them to get that democratic and peaceful future." (See related article.)

Asked about the upcoming Paris donors’ conference, Burns said that the Siniora government has earned credibility with the world community.

"If for any reason the government does not continue," Burns said, "I don’t think you have a consensus in the international community about assistance to Lebanon." (See related article.)

Full transcripts of Under-Secretary Burns’ interview on LBC and Secretary Rice’s interview with Al Arabiya are available on the State Department Web site.

For more information see Lebanon Assistance.

(USINFO is produced by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: