Professor and Chair. Department of Political Studies and Public Administration. Fall 2000-present.
Associate Professor. Department of Political Studies and Public Administration. Fall 1993-Spring 2000.
Assistant Professor. Department of Political Studies and Public Administration. Fall 1988-Spring 1993.
Full-time teaching. Fall 1987-Spring 1988.
Part-time teaching. Fall 1986-Spring 1987.
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Comparative Politics, International Relations, Middle East Politics, American Government, the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Lebanese Politics.
“Ending Conflict in Wartime Lebanon: Reform, Sovereignty and Power, 19761988″, Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 40, No 1 (January 2004): 65-84.
Encyclopedia of lslam and the Muslim World, Forthcoming article, 2004.
“Al-Nuldmb al-Siyasiyya fi Lubnan”. Forthcoming essay in a collective work on political elites in the Arab world, the New Jordan Center, Amman, Jordan.
“Political Parties in Postwar Lebanon: Parties in Search of Partisans”, The Middle East Journal, vol.57, No.4, (Autum 2003): 605-624.
“The Postwar Political Process: Authoritarianism by Diffusion”, in Theodor Hanf and Nawaf Salam (eds), Lebanon in Limbo, Postwar Society and State in an Uncertain Regional Environment. (Baden- Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003): 53-74.
“Patterns of State Failure: the Case of Lebanon“, in Tore Bjorgo (ed.), Root Causes of Terrorism (Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 2003): 44-50.
Al Ahzab al-Siyasiyya fi Lubnan: Hudud al-Dinmulratiya fi al-Tajriba al-Hizbiyva (Beirut: al-Markaz al-Lubnan Lidirasat, 2002). Book on Political Parties and Party Democracy in Lebanon.
TafakukAwsal al-Dawla fi Lubnan, 1967-1976 (Beirut: Dar al-Nahar, 2002). Revised Arabic translation of ” The Breakdown of the State in Lebanon, 1967-1976″
“Lebanon-Independent No More”, Middle East Quarterly VIII (Winter 2001): 43-50.
“Lebanon and the Peace Process: the War Process and the Stalled Peace”, in Moonis Ahmar (ed.), The Arab-Israeli Peace Process: Lessons for India and Pakistan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001): 1976-1998.
“Al-‘Aysh al-Mushtarak fi Lubnan Bayna al-Ans wa al-Yawn: Al-Mithaliyya alMubtaghat wa al-Khawf Mihha wa Alayha”, Al-Mashreq, 75 Jan-June 2001): 117-141.
The Breakdown of the State in Lebanon, 1967-1976. (Harvard University Press and LB. Tauris, 2000).
Intikhabat Lubnan Ma Ba’d al-Harb, 1992, 1996, 2000: Dinnugratiyya Bila Khayar (Beirut: Dar al-Nahar, 2000). Book on Parliamentary elections in postwar Lebanon. 1992-2000
“Al-`Alagat al-Lubnaniyya-al-Suriyya, 1950-1976, Sila Bila Was]”, in Al-Alagat al Lubnaniyya al-Suriyya (Antelias: Al-Haraka al-Thagafiya, 2000): 72-82. Chapter in a collective work on Lebanese-Syrian relations.
“Sanawat al Harb fi Lubnan 1975-1991”. Chapter in collective work on Arab politics (2000).
Lebanon‘s First Postwar Parlianentary Election: An Imposed Choice (Oxford: Centre for Lebanese Studies, 1998).
“Intilchabat 1996: Tamdid al Khala ‘Abr al-Intikhab” in Al-Intikhabat al Nyyabiyya wa Azmat al Dimugratiyya fi Lubnan (Beirut: Center for Lebanese Studies, 1998): 169-306. Book chapter in a collective work on elections in postwar Lebanon.
“Permanent Settlement of Palestinians in Lebanon: A Recipe for Conflict”, Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 10, No. 3 (1997): 275-293.
“Tajribat al-Tahalufat wa al-Niza’at Bayn al-Ahzab al-Siyasiyya fi Lubnan” in alAhzab Wa al-Aiwa al Siyasiyya’ fi Lubnan: Tajadud wa Iltizain (Beirut: The Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace and Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 1997): 133-142. Book chapter on political parties.
“Mithaq Lubnan al-Watani wa Mawathiq al-Akharin: Ma’dilat al Ams wa al-Yawm”, Introduction to the new edition of Bassim al-Jist, Mithaq 1943 (Beirut: Dar al-Nahar, 1997): 7-17.
The Middle East After the Cold War: The View From Beirut” in William Harris and Louis S. Leland Jr. (eds.). The Middle East After the Cold War (Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago Press, 1996): 153-170.
“Al-Mithaq al Watani ti Ab’adihi al-Dakhiliyya wa al-Kharijiyya wa fi Mizan al Tafsir wa al-Tatbiq” in Al-Yubil al-Zahabi li Istiqlal Lubnan (Beirut: Lebanese University, 1996): 617-681. Chapter in a collective work on post-independence Lebanese politics.
“Tajribat al-Ahzab al-Siyasiyya fi Lubnan” in Antoine Messarra (ed.), Al-Ahzab wa al-Qiwa al-Siyasiyya.fi Lubnan (Beirut: the Adenauer Foundation and the Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace, 1996): 359-391.
“Al-Wagi’ al-Maishi fi Lubnan Madiyan wa Hadiran”, in Boulos Na’man, Kamal Salibi, Farid el Khazen, Al-Masihiyun fi Lubnan wa al-Sharq, Ru’a Mustagbaliyya (Ghosta: Dayr Sayyidat al Nasr, 1996): 45-57. Chapter in a collective work on the Christians in Lebanon and the Orient.
Bibliographical essay on Kamal Jumblatt. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, John Esposito (ed.) (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995): 386388.
“Al-Hala a1-Intilchabiyya fi al’Alam al-‘Arabi wa al-Tajriba al-Lubnaniyya” in Al Anzima al-Intikhabiyya al-Mu’asira (Amman: New Jordan Center, 1995): 117-122. Chapter in a collective work on parliamentary elections in the Arab world.
“Lubnan al-Dawla wa al-Niza’ al-‘Arabi al-Isra’ili”, in Habib Sadiq (Ed.), Al-Ihtilal al-Israili Lijunub Lubnan wa Tahadiyyat al-Marhala (Beirut: al-Majlis al-Thaqafi Lilubnan al-Junubi, 1995): 205-211. Chapter in a collective work on Lebanon and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
“Une place pour le Liban: la marginalization de l’Etat dans un espace reduit” in Fadia Kiwan (ed.). Le Liban Aujourd’hui. (Paris: CNRS Editions, 1994): 31-53. Chapter in a collective work on contemporary Lebanon sponsored by the Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur le Moyen-Orient Contemporain (CERMOC).
“Lebanon‘s First Postwar Parliamentary Elections, 1992″, Middle East Policy III, No. 1, (1994): 120-136.
“Mawqi’ Suriyya wa Dawriha fi al-Nizam al-Iglimi, 1993”. Chapter in the annual, editions of Zakirat Lubnan (1994): 59-66. Chapter in a collective work on Syria‘s role in the regional system.
“Ishkaliyyat al-Mu’arada fi al-Siyasa al-Lubnaniyya”, in Antoine Messarra (ed.), AlBina’ al-Dimugrati (Beirut: The Lebanese Foundation for a Permanent Civil Peace and Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 1994): 97-100. Chapter in a collective work on opposition politics in Lebanon.
“Al-Nukhab al-Siyasiyya fi Lubnan”, Ab’ad (May 1994): 90-105. Article on political Elites in Lebanon.
Al-Intikhabat al-Ula fi Lubnan Ma Bad al-Harb: al-Argam, al-Waga’I Wa alMadlulat, co-editor (with Paul Salem) and author of a lengthy chapter on the 1992 elections in Lebanon. (Beirut: Dar al-Nahar Lilnashr, 1993): 29-116.
“The Making and Unmaking of Lebanon‘s Political Elite: From Independence to Taif’. The Beirut Review (Fall 1993): 53-67.
“Al-Shaykh Yusuf al-Khazen wa al-Nukhab al-Siyasiyya fi Fatrat al-Intidab” in Fadel Said ‘Aql and Riad Honein, al-Shaykh Yusuf al-Khazen, Fikr Sabaqa Zamanahu (Beirut, 1993): 19-30. Introductory essay on Lebanon‘s political elites during the French Mandate.
“Lubnan fi Nizamihi al-Iglimi: Sira’ al-Mahmiyat wa Hajis al-Marahil al-Intigaliya” in Joseph Fadel (ed.), Salam wa Istishraf (Beirut: Lebanese Committee for Peace, 1993): 75-78. Chapter in a collective work on Lebanon in its Regional System.
“Tatawur Nushu’ al-Dawla fi Lubnan” in Al-Muwatin wa al-Tarbiya al-Madaniyya fi Lubnan (Beirut: Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, 1993). Chapter in a collective work on civic education in Lebanon.
The Communal Pact of National Identities: The Making and Politics of the 1943 National Pact. (Oxford: Centre for Lebanese Studies, 1991).
Review essay, A House of Many Mansions, The History of Lebanon Reconsidered by Kamal Salibi, The Beirut Review (Spring 1991): 102-114.
“Kamal Jumblatt: The Uncrowned Druze Prince of the Left”, Middle Eastern Studies, 24 (April 1988): 178-205.
Encyclopedia Americana, Article on Lebanon, the American Annual (1988): 322-324.
“The Middle East in Strategic Retreat”, Foreign Policy, No 64 (Fall 1986): 140-160.
The 1982 Palestinian-Israeli War: Victory for None, Defeat for Many”, SAIS Review, 6 (Winter-Spring 1986): 75-89.
“Lebanon‘s Unfinished Wars: Gods in Politics, Men in Religion”, Middle East Insight, 6 (Winter-Spring 1986): 75-89.
“Can the Lebanese Economy Recover”, Middle East Executive Reports, 9 (January 1986), p. 8 and pp. 16-19.
All Honourable Men: The Social Origins of War in Lebanon, Michael Johnson (Oxford and London: The Centre for Lebanese Studies and I.B. Tauris, 2001). Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 39, No 3 (July 2003):201-202.
Lebanon: The Challenge of Independence, Eyal Zisser (London: ‘I.B.Tauris, 2000). The International Historical Review (September 2001) : 704 – 706
Legislative Politics in the Arab World. The Resurgence of Democratic Institutions, Abdo Baaklini, Guilain Denoeux, Robert Springborg (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999), Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Winter 2000): 265-267.
Hezbollah, Born With a Vengeance, Hala Jaber (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997). Middle East Journal Vol. 53, No.2 (Spring 1999): 303-304.
Masarat al-Salam wa diblomasiyyat 425, Ghassan Tueni (Beirut: Dar al-Nahar, 1999) in al-Nahar, January 4, 2000.
Lebanon‘s Quest. The Road to Statehood 1926-1939, Meir Zamir (London: LB. Tauris, 1998). Middle East Quarterly Vol. 5, No. 2 (June 1998): 89.
Kitabat fi al-Siyasa, Fouad Boutros, (Beirut: Dar al-Nahar, 1997), al-Nahar, April 1, 1998.
Dawlat Hizballah, Lubnan Mujtama’n Islamiyan, Waddah Sharara, (Beirut: Dar alNahar, 1996), Nahar-al-Kutub, January 21, 1997.
Al-Khayarat al-Sa’ba: Diblurnasiyyat al-bahth ‘An Makhraj, 1982-1988, (Beirut: Sharigat al-Matbu’at Liltawzi’ wa al-Nashr, 1993), Elie Salem, Al-Abhath, (1994): 85-96.
The Formation of Modern Lebanon, Meir Zamir (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988), Defense Nationale Libanaise, No. 2 (1990): 155-159.
Lebanon‘s Predicament, Samir Khalaf (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987), The Middle East Journal (Summer 1998): 493-494.
Une Guerre pour les Autres, Ghassan Tueni, (Paris: J. Lattes, 1985), The Middle East Journal (Spring 1986): 338-339.
Going all the Way, Jonathan Randal (New York: The Viking Press, 1983), Middle East Insight (May-July 1983): 43-45.
“Political Reforms in the Arab World: Whose Interests Are Served?” Conflict in Focus, Issue No 2 (August 2004), pp. 4-6.
“Hizbollah: The Exception to the Norm”, Arab Reform Bulletin (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), vol. 2, No 2, February 2004, pp. 4-5.
“A View form the Arab Side”, Newsweek, February 26, 2001, p. 38.
“Grab the Chance to Bring Conflict to a Close”, Daily Star, April 13, 2000.
“The Non-Item in the Washington Talks”, Daily Star, December 24, 1999.
“In Lebanon, War of Liberation”, The Washington Post, May 5, 1989.
“The Killing Field of the Middle East“, The Washington Post, June 2, 1987.
Over 100 essays and editorials have appeared in the Lebanese dailies al-Nahar, alMustagbal, and al-Safir and in the London-based daily al-Hayat. First article appeared on October 18, 1988. Topics include American foreign policy, the ArabIsraeli Conflict, Arab politics, Lebanese politics, and Gulf Wars.
Editor, AI-Abhath, A publication of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, AUB 19961998
Guest Editor Bahithat, 1997-1998. Journal published by the Lebanese Association of Women Researchers. Special 1998 issue on Women and Politics in the Middle East.
Reviewed article on Post-War Beirut in the September 1997 issue of National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D.C. U.S.A. 4- Member, Board of Advisors, Ab’ad. 1994 – 1998.
Member, Board of Advisors, The Beirut Review. 1991-1994.
Member, Editorial Board, The Lebanese National Defense. 1989-1990.
Editorial, review and research assistance, SAIS Review, the Journal of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C. Spring 1986.
Coordinator of the Committee of “Church and Politics” in the Maronite Patriarchal Synod, September 2003- present.
Co-author, Conflict Vulnerability Assessment for Lebanon, USAID, 2002.
Member of a doctoral committee to evaluate a doctoral dissertation in the Institute of History at the Holy Spirit University, Kaslik, May 2001.
Reviewed file of a candidate for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor in Political at the Lebanese University, April 2000.
Member of a special committee appointed by the Minister of Justice to study proposals for a new electoral law in Lebanon. November 1995-April 1996.
Member of a special committee appointed by the Minister of Justice to translate the text of the 1990 Lebanese Constitution into English and French. January-August, 1994.
Member of a doctoral committee appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Letters at the Lebanese University to evaluate a doctoral dissertation, June 1994-January 1996.
Reviewed research file of a candidate applying for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Bahrain. January-February 1993.
Member of the Lebanon branch of the Commission of Peace and Justice. 1992-present.
Charter Member, the Foundation for Human and Humanitarian Rights (Lebanon). 1988-present.
The Aida Siniora Memorial Prize in Political Science, American University of Beirut, 2004.
The Ford Foundation, Middle East Research Competition, 2000-2001.
Research Grant, University Research Board, American University of Beirut, 1992, 1996, 1998.
Summer Research Grant, Center for Behavioral Research, American University of Beirut, 1995.
The Ford Foundation, Middle East Research Competition (MERC), 1993-1994.
The Aida Siniora Memorial Prize in Social Sciences. American University of Beirut, 1993.
The Johns Hopkins University. Doctoral Grant, 1984-1986.