
 By Pierre el Khazen 30/11/05 , This article concentrates on the Biological-Genetical role for human behavior and in contrast to previous articles; it will not concentrate on Psychological aspects of it. In fact, it will want to convince you of its correctness. As I can not debate all sorts of human behavior, this article will discuss specific human behavior.

So for example, beauty, what is it? It is obvious and visible that beauty is connected to health. Would you prefer to kiss a person with symptoms of disease rather than a person with healthy clear skin? The answer derives from common sense but we do not need our mother to teach us that runny noses are disgusting! Healthy people are universally attractive and better genes live in better bodies and we choose healthy partners. So is beauty genetic? Is our decision for beauty genetic? In this respect we are not different from animals; some species of female rabbits chase males in high speed and for long periods of time so that they would mate. Same like when male and female snakes need to wrestle before they engage in sex. Many male monkies need to balance themselves acrobatically when they are having an intercourse with a female monkey and no sick male monkey will be allowed to carry out such act. Though, a culture where skin infections are common, appreciates clear skin more than other. To read more pls click "READ MORE"