
BEIRUT (AFP) – A leading member of Lebanon’s Western-backed ruling coalition called on Saturday for a ban on flights from Iran to Beirut airport, saying the Hezbollah could be flying in arms fand money rom Iran. Walid Jumblatt called for the expulsion of the Iranian ambassador, Mohammad Reda Shibani, and "a ban on the arrival of Iranian planes to Beirut because, maybe, they carry money and weapons" for Hezbollah. Jumblatt also demanded, at a news conference, the "sacking of airport security chief" General Wafik Shqeir, over alleged links to the Shiite opposition group.The official ANI news agency quoted a Hezbollah statement as calling Jumblatt’s comments "mad," and accusing him of "stoking the fires of discord" in the politically divided country.

The Druze chief showed reporters what he said was an exchange of mail between Lebanese Defence Minister Elias Murr and army intelligence services, about the discovery of surveillance cameras near the airport, which is close to Beirut’s southern suburbs where Hezbollah has its headquarters.Jumblatt said that Hezbollah, which is backed Syria and Iran, put the cameras there "to monitor the arrival of Lebanese or foreign leaders, to kidnap or assassinate (people) on the airport road." He charged that Shqeir allowed the cameras to be placed in the area because of alleged links with Hezbollah. Prosecutor General Saeed Mirza instructed military examining magistrate Jean Fahed to investigate with all military and security personnel the case of the Hizbullah affiliated camera that had been surveying Beirut airport.
Mirza referred to Fahed all documents issued by the military intelligence directorate, the airport security department, Defense Minister Elias Murr and Interior Minister Hassan Saba’a related to the wireless surveillance of Beirut airport’s runway no 17 which is exclusively used by executive jets.

In its statement Hezbollah called the accusation that the cameras were used to target people a figment of Jumblatt’s imagination. They have also added that these accusations is to increase international pressure against Hezbollah to benefits American Interest in the region. They have also concluded that these statements is to prepare and allow an international strike against the group this summer.