
Ragheb Alama promises a heated summer for Lebanon

Lebanese superstar Ragheb Alama has promised this summer season in Lebanon to be filled with celebrations and concerts, offered by him and others from the music industry. The singer called on Arabs throughout the region to overlook the recent tragedies that Lebanon has faced, and to have faith in the country that has been one of the most desirable tourist destinations for years.

Ragheb claims that

On a more controversial note, Ragheb recently made an insulting comment about Lebanese singer Haifa Wahbi during a live radio interview on “The Voice of Tomorrow,” stating that he excises caution in permitting his children to surf the internet because they may be subjected to sites displaying semi-nude scenes of the likes of Haifa and Egyptian singer Ruby.

Haifa was shocked by Ragheb’s verbal attack, claiming she thought they were on good terms, and simply stated that it was his own personal opinion.
The situation deteriorated when Haifa received a threatening text message (SMS) on her cellular phone from an unknown number, prompting her to go to the police to have the matter investigated.

It turned out the number belonged to a businessman, who claimed that Ragheb had used his phone to send the message. The businessman claimed he was unaware to whom Ragheb was sending the message, and knew nothing about its insulting content.