The Khazens and the Shihabs (1697-1840)
In September 1696 Emir Ahmad Maan died with no heir ending the Maans rule of
Mount Lebanon. The Shihab Emirs succeeded the Maans and in 1697 Emir Bashir Shihab I, nephew of Emir Ahmad Maan, came to power. After his death in 1706 he was succeeded by Emir Haydar who was deposed by the Yemenite originated families in Mount Lebanon after their rebellion against his rule appointing Emir Youssef Alam el Din as new ruler. As a result he fled to Azraeel cave in Hermel , hiding from the rebellions and sent his family members to the Khazen Cheikhs who hided them in their villages in Keserwan taking care of their needs , protecting them and sending him arms and ammunition and in addition, giving him important information and advices .
In 1754 Emir Melhem Shihab resigned due to his illness. Supported by the mountain Cheikhs, Emir Milhems two brothers Emir Mansour and Emir Ahmad succeeded him to govern dually Mount Lebanon. Later emir Ahmad was obliged to give up his rule after the loss of the Cheikhs support and Emir Mansour became the sole ruler of the mountain.