
The Lebanese Anthem

Music February 2006 The Lebanese Anthem in G Major, Version by Pierre Khazen (play music) The Lebanese Anthem in G Minor, Version by Pierre Khazen (play music)  

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Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

Assessments and Interviews before Treatment of Obsessional Disorder

By Pierre Khazen 29/1/06

I.      Assessment includes:

?      A clinical interview

?      Self monitoring

?      Home work assignments

?      Direct observation

II.      Aims of assessment are:

?      To approve of problem list

?      To arrive to a psychological formulation of each problem; factors which led to the problem and recent maintaining factors

?      To assess fitness for the psychological treatment

?      To give tools to assess progress

Reminder:  We are referring to cognitive-behavioural treatment* where assessment and treatment go together. When the connection between triggers, thoughts, neutralizing and avoidance are understood then the treatment can start immediately. Treatment will be based on exposure and response prevention.     


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Obsessions in Psychology

Psychopathology Obsessions in Psychology By Pierre Khazen 22/12/05 Introduction: An Obsessional-Compulsive Disorder is a disabling disorder. Obsessions are viewed as a syndrome in their own right. Meyer (1966) reported a successful behavioural treatment for obsessions by creating Psychological Models to obsessions and suggesting effective behavioural treatments. Models of compulsive behaviour suggested that ritualistic behaviours are a […]

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Freud or Darwin?

 or  ? Social Psychology By Pierre Khazen 30/11/05 This article concentrates on the Biological-Genetic role for human behavior and in contrast to previous articles; it will not concentrate on Psychological aspects of it. In fact, it will want to convince you of its correctness. As I can not debate all sorts of human behavior, this article […]

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Philosophy & psychology of Dreams

Philosophy and Psychology of Dreams By Pierre Khazen 16/11/05  Philosophy Dreams to Plato Plato thinks that dreams come from the individual to express his hidden desires, fears etc. Dreams reflect Psychological processes in which a person goes through while sleeping. This is very close to what Freud thinks about dreams which leads us to think whether […]

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Fiction to Mirror Reality Crossia By Pierre Khazen Crossia is a hypothetical state geographically located in Africa. The population of this country descend from different countries in the Middle East and Europe. The official religion in this country is Christianity and the official language is English and Italian. The system is a democratic system that is based upon […]

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Dreaming in Psychology

        Dreaming in Psychology   By Pierre Khazen Written in 2005   Physiological Psychology:   All of us spend some time sleeping and we know its necessity. When we sleep, we are not conscious and not able to know what goes around us. When we sleep, we go through physiological changes called physiological correlates of sleep […]

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