
Ziad Doueiri‘s latest controversial film, ‘The Insult,‘ is on Oscar‘s shortlist

by — Ziad Doueiri has no problem with controversy. The Lebanese-born American citizen — a former camera assistant for Quentin Tarantino — has directed a number of films telling fraught stories set in the Middle East. His award-winning, semi-autobiographical “West Beirut” depicted the partitioning of the Lebanese capital through the eyes of kids. His 2012 […]

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Ibrahim: Lebanon safer than the U.S BEIRUT: General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim said Friday that Lebanon was safer than the United States, after meeting with a delegation of the Lebanese Press Syndicate. “The security situation is under control and much better than security in countries around Lebanon, even – in some cases – in the U.S.,” Ibrahim said. […]

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Ibrahim: Lebanon safer than the U.S BEIRUT: General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim said Friday that Lebanon was safer than the United States, after meeting with a delegation of the Lebanese Press Syndicate. “The security situation is under control and much better than security in countries around Lebanon, even – in some cases – in the U.S.,” Ibrahim said. […]

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Is Lebanon Set for an Oil Bonanza?

by Dr Valérie Marcel – and Jessica Obeid – “Congratulations to the Lebanese people (…) on Lebanon entering the club of oil countries,’ tweeted the country’s energy minister, Cesar Khalil, after Lebanon’s first petroleum licensing round finally took place last fall. On 14 December 2017, the Lebanese government approved the bid by a consortium of three companies – […]

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Environmentalists Warn Of Mediterranean Pollution From Lebanon Land Reclamation

NPR news – On a bright, beautiful October day, Lebanese fisherman Emilio Eid is in his boat on the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon’s scenic mountain ranges are clear in the distance. But the water around him is brown and littered with pieces of floating plastic. He spots bottles, a toothbrush, a used condom. An acrid smell […]

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Lebanon’s Electricity Crisis Worsens, Plunging Several Regions in Darkness

Beirut – Youssef Diab – Lebanon’s electricity crisis entered a critical phase due to the strike the sector’s workers have been holding since nearly a month over their failed pay raise. The workers have refused to fix malfunctions in the power grid and they have also prevented technical teams from Electricite du Liban (EDL) from […]

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Lebanon Hires McKinsey to Help Revamp the Economy

By Donna Abu-Nasr – bloomberg – Lebanon is hiring management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. to help restructure an economy that’s overly reliant on remittances and banking, and grappling with high unemployment, Economy and Trade Minister Raed Khoury said. The six-month agreement with McKinsey will be signed by the end of this week and the company […]

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Challenges Facing Lebanon in 2018, and How to Solve Them

By Osama Habib – As the Lebanese bid farewell to 2017 with mixed reactions, observers and economists are busy now analyzing the challenges Lebanon will face in 2018 hoping to revitalize the sluggish economy. But the lingering question echoed by all the economists and bankers interviewed by The Daily Star is how to reduce the […]

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A Beirut Art Scene Harks Back To Its Joan Crawford And Marlon Brando Heyday

by Grace Banks ,  – Forbes – On a street in Achrafieh, one of Beirut’s oldest districts, is an imposing mansion. Between the embassy buildings and post-millennium high rise apartment blocks of the area stands a palatial house built in 1912 by the Lebanese aristocrat and art collector Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock as his family home. With it’s pearly […]

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America has made incredible tech advances in the last century — and Silicon Valley is using that privilege to make horrible health decisions

by Business Insider Kate Taylor  – Silicon Valley is no stranger to bizarre trends. The latest: unfiltered, untreated water. Sold as “raw” or “live” water, fans say that the beverage has health benefits that tap or traditional bottled water lacks. There’s a lot that’s wrong with this. First, there’s no scientific evidence that untreated water has additional […]

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