by AP – Josh Lederman and Philip Issa — PARIS — Lebanon’s prime minister appealed for support for his country from world powers at a summit convened by France on Friday to bolster Lebanon’s institutions as it emerges from a bizarre political crisis. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the United States and other attendees wanted to help Lebanon move forward on security and prepare for national elections slated for May. He added that it was critical to ensure the disengagement of the militant group Hezbollah from regional conflicts, including Yemen’s civil war. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Belgium would hold a conference next year to find ways to help Lebanon handle its massive refugee population.
Hariri said Lebanon was “paying a very big price on behalf of the entire world” when it comes to the refugee crisis, which he said has cost the Lebanese economy more than $20 billion since the Syrian conflict began six years ago. He called for investment in Lebanon, support for its security services, and a resolution to the refugee question that has dominated domestic politics since 2012.
It was the first major gathering of key nations to discuss Lebanon’s future since a crisis erupted following Hariri’s shock resignation last month while in Saudi Arabia. The move appeared to have been orchestrated by the Gulf kingdom as a message to Iran to reign in its Lebanese proxy, the Shiite militant group Hezbollah. Hariri, who is backed by Saudi Arabia, threw Lebanon into turmoil with his resignation and renewed a vigorous debate over foreign interference in Lebanese affairs. Lebanon’s political parties depend on considerable support from regional powers for funds, security and influence. Hariri officially rescinded his resignation this week, saying Lebanon’s political parties had reached an agreement to distance the country from regional conflicts — such as the war next door in Syria. On Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron said the international community must “stay mobilized” for Lebanon’s peaceful future. “Lebanon’s stability is not just essential for its own residents,” he said. “It is so for the entire region, already very affected by the violence of conflicts.” Josh Lederman and Philip Issa are Associated Press writers. Click read more for the whole text