
R.I.P Nassib Lahoud

    Democratic Renewal leader Nassib Lahoud passed away at the age of 67 early Thursday morning after a long struggle with a disease.    

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Denmark & Iran offer Lebanon electricity aid

  The Islamic Republic fo Iran and Denmark have bother offered to help Lebanon overcome their electricity crisis. Indeed, “Denmark can produce wind power in [the North district of] Akkar and sell it to Lebanon without having us pay a penny for the investment,” the National News Agency quoted Qabbani as saying following his meeting with […]

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Audit Bureau Prosecutor’s Decision on Red Diesel Scandal within 2 Days

      The Audit Bureau’s general prosecutor, Bassam Wehbe, is expected to review an investigation report on the red diesel scandal and issue his decision within the next two days, An Nahar daily reported Tuesday. Some officials have pointed their fingers at Energy Minister Jebran Bassil, saying he had given preferential treatment to the […]

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Al-Rahi Urges Cabinet to Abide by Constitution on 2012 State Budget

    Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi said Sunday that the primary responsibility of Lebanese authorities is to guarantee an economic and social rise, urging the government to abide by the constitution. "The economic and social rise is the basis of the rise of the state and its people and institutions,” al-Rahi said in his sermon. […]

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Interview with President Michel Suleiman

  "فخامة الرئيس" يهتف الضابط متأهباً. يدخل رئيس الجمهوريّة الى مكتب الاجتماعات الملاصق للمكتب الرئاسي. لا تحتاج مع الرئيس ميشال سليمان الى تلك الدقائق الضروريّة لكسر بعض الحواجز النفسيّة أثناء مجالسة شخصيّة بهذا الموقع. يريحك منذ المصافحة المرفقة بابتسامة محبّبة. يبدو متدفّقاً بالكلام حتى قبل أن تباشر بطرح الأسئلة. يستعيد، قبل إدارة آلة التسجيل، بعض […]

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A gesture Lebanon must not ignore

    The protests against the Syria regime have been ongoing for almost 10 months now and the Syrian opposition has for the first time addressed officially the Lebanese government and people asking to turn a "new page" and build new foundations based on mutual-respect and sovereignty, as well as support for ethnic and religious […]

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مؤسسة رشيد الخازن توضح: رخصة إنشاء معمل الباطون سارية المفعول

   This statement was published today on the Lebanese online news portals as a response to claims that it was shut down: اصدرت مؤسسة رشيد الخازن للتعهدات البيان الآتي: "توضيحاً لما ورد في بعض وسائل الاعلام عن أن مجلس شورى الدولة أوقف تنفيذ رخصة إنشاء معمل الباطون الجاهز في منطقة زوق مصبح الصناعية ، فإننا […]

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سليمان لن يخضع لاي ابتزاز او ترهي

  ذكرت صحيفة "السفير" ان المقربين من الرئاسة الأولى يرفضون كل كلام عن «رغبة الرئيس (ميشال سليمان) بان يكون له حصة وازنة في التعيينات. فهو لو شاء اعتماد منطق المحاصصة لكان رضي بالكثير مما عرض عليه. لكنه راغب بتطبيق الدستور والقانون. ومن منطلق مسؤولياته ودوره يرفض اية تسويات تخالف القوانين. وهو لن يخضع لابتزاز او […]

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Red Diesel Scandal

    A scandal of red diesel has hit Lebanon after the residents of the country’s coldest areas, who were supposed to take advantage of a temporary government slash of Value Added Tax, suffered from shortages. [Naharnet]   In fact, it was reported that 8 million liters of red diesel were delivered over night at […]

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