
Beirut Bus Map

    In an attempt to encourage Lebanese to use public transportation, Zawarib has compiled a bus map for Beirut. You can view it and download it using the following link. [Bus Map Beirut]  

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البطريرك الراعي:الحوار بين بكركي وحزب الله لا يحل محل طاولة الحوار

    Patriarch Rai has been an advocate of dialogue ever since he was voted Maronite Patriarch of Antioch, and has opened channels of dialogue with all Lebanese, including the Shiite armed group Hezbollah. Nevertheless, Rai insists that his meetings with Hezbollah officials does not replace the need for an official dialogue among all political […]

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President Sleiman meets Bellemare, to sign decree on wage hike

    The president of the Lebanese Republic Michel Sleiman received today at the presidential palace in Baabda the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare. The president expressed his gratitude for all the efforts exerted by Bellemare concerning the probe into ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination. [Naharnet]   In other news, President Sleiman will supposedly […]

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Lebanese Cabinet to raise minimum wage to 675,000LL

    The Lebanese cabinet was finally able to pass a law raising the minimum wage to 675,000, after months of political bickering. Charbel Nahhas’ plan was rejected by vote and the economic committes applauded the new wage hike. For those interesting in knowing the percentage of increase resulting from this wage hike, check the […]

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Mourning day in Achrafieh

    The black-clad city of Achrafieh mourned on Wednesday the loss of the victims of the Fassouh building’s collapse. The victims’ coffins were paraded in the streets of Achrafieh, for one last time, before they are put to rest amid pronounced grief and sorrow. Church bells rang, drums played and women cried out traditional chants […]

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Tragedy hits Achrafieh

    At least 27 people were killed when an old six-story building in the Lebanese capital collapsed, officials said on Monday, with more people still trapped under the rubble. Red Cross official Georges Kettaneh told the Voice of Lebanon (100.5) radio that as of early Tuesday morning, 27 bodies had been recovered from the wreckage […]

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Dalhamiyya for sale for $350M

  The purchase of Christians lands in Lebanon by non-Christians and non-Lebanese is increasing by the day at an alarming rate, an issue that has pushed the Patriarch to organize an emergency meeting at Bkerke to take the necessary measures before it’s too late.   Here’s an article resuming the current situation:   تعقد لجنة ملف […]

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The economics of the Arab Spring

 There is a risk that the Arab spring meets the same fat as revolutions elsewhere have in the past. That is, they can often result in a greater continuity than change. The recent literature on political economy offers a convincing reason for such institutional persistence. Revolutionary upheavals can often lead more quickly to de jure […]

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الشَـبَـهُ المنتظَـرُ بين الأحـزابِ الإسـلامية والمسـيحية

  This editorial was written by Sejaan Azzi and featured in Al-Massira Magazine and Al Jomhouriyya newspaper and handles the difference between Christian and Islamic parties. The main argument pointed out by Azzi and elaborated throughout his article is the lack of "democracy" behind most Islamic parties and the need to change their ways if […]

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Khazen family in Michel Hayek’s predictions for 2012

Like every year, Michel Hayek showed on TV to give the Lebanese a new series of predictions for the year 2012. The Khazen family was included in his predictions this year as he stated the following:     عائلة الخازن وتحديداً الفريدين، فريد الياس وفريد هيكل في شريط من المواقف والمواجهات والتهديد والوعيد Click here to […]

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