
Nine days of sport and culture in Beirut


Lebanon plays host to the nine-day Francophone Games starting Sunday, an event that it is hoped will improve the country’s image abroad. Some 3,000 athletes from 42 countries will be taking part in six sports disciplines and seven cultural events.

AFP – Lebanon from Sunday plays host to the Francophone Games, a four-yearly event that organisers hope will shine a positive spotlight on a country long rocked by political unrest. Some 3,000 athletes and participants from 42 countries are expected for the September 27-October 6 extravaganza, which will be held under tight security. Mahaman Lawan Seriba, head of the international committee for the games, told AFP that the event will allow Lebanon to gain some long-needed positive international exposure. "The games will allow Lebanon to portray itself for what it is: a peaceful country, a creative country capable of hosting such an event, a country that is diverse and hospitable," Seriba said. The games will kick off with a lavish ceremony attended by Lebanese President Michel Sleiman, the secretary general of the Francophonie organisation, Abdou Diouf, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, Prince Albert of Monaco and some 40 ministers from participating countries. World celebrities including Senegalese artist Youssou N’Dour, Lebanese singer Magida el-Roumi, Lebanese-born composer Gabriel Yared and 100 other musicians and dancers will take part in the opening ceremony being held at the capital’s Camille Chamoun sports stadium.

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Sejaan Azzi article – Building Lebanon


معجزة بناء لبنان الواحد بدون لبنانـيّين موحَّدين

النهار في 19 أيلول 2009 ـ صفحة القضايا

سجعان قزي

صورتان للبنان. أولى من الجو بعدسة تاريخية، والأخرى من الأرض بعدسة سياسية. والصورتان رغم تناقضهما، حقيقيتان: الأولى تزرع الإحباط والغضب واليأس، والأخرى تحيي الأمل والرجاء والإيمان. تعايُشُهما معاً، طوال عقود على حساب أمن اللبنانيين وحريتهم، بلغ اليوم أجَـلَه، وعلى اللبنانيّين أن يختاروا إحداهما، أو أن يعطوا صورة جديدة عن أنفسهم للأجيال المقبلة والعالم.


في ظل تعدد ولاءات اللبنانيين، طبيعي أن تجري مفاوضات بين دول يدين لها اللبنانيون بالولاء لتأليف الحكومة اللبنانية. ولا نستغربنّ يوماً يُضاف فيه إلى الدستور اللبناني بندٌ يجعل المفاوضات الخارجية مُلزِمة كما الاستشارات النيابية.

أمس طالبنا بإلغاء المجلس الأعلى اللبناني ـ السوري، لم يُستَـجَب لنا. اليوم يولد مجلس وصاية سوري ـ سعودي ـ أميركي، فيعترف به مسؤولون وقادة لبنانيون ويطالبون بتوسيعه.

أين السيادة والاستقلال؟ أين كرامة المسؤولين اللبنانيين؟ أين كرامة

الصورة الأولى

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Lebanese President General Michel Suleiman spech United Nations 2009

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) — Lebanese President Michel Sleiman on Friday rejected "any form" of Palestinian settlement of refugees in Lebanon, saying that their "position will neither be compromised nor reversed."

    Addressing the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly, which entered its third day here Friday, Sleiman stated that "any solution for the Middle East crisis should be founded on a pre-determined and integrated scheme, the basic elements of which have been mapped out in the resolutions of international legitimacy …"

    Reiterating the UN’s resolution to "international legitimacy," he pushed in his speech for the withdrawal of Israel from Arab occupied territories.

    The situation of Palestinian refugees is "first and foremost a political situation," and the "Palestinian cause is at the heart of the Middle East crisis," Sleiman said, expressing his support for an independent and sovereign Palestinian state.

    "Until a just and final solution for their tragedy has been reached, we fully support all efforts aiming at reinforcing the UNRWA’s (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) programs and capabilities, enabling it to improve the living standards and human conditions of the refugees, in collaboration with the hosting countries," Sleiman said.

    Also asserting Lebanon’s commitment in the UN Security Council resolution 1701, which called for a cease-fire of hostilities in 2006, Sleiman called for the reinforcement by the international community "to continue its quest to compel Israel to implement all the provisions of resolution 1701."

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Prosecutors Charge Lebanese Financier Salah Ezzedine

by Nada Raad – BEIRUT — A prominent Lebanese businessman was charged over the weekend with embezzlement, distributing invalid checks and violating Lebanese fiscal laws in a case that local media have estimated could represent a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars to investors. Salah Ezzedine, a financier and business mogul from Lebanon’s Shiite Muslim community has been in custody since early September, when he declared bankruptcy and gave himself up to authorities. His associate, Yousef Faour, also has been charged on the same counts. Lebanon’s Financial General Prosecutor Judge Fawzi Adham ordered the prosecution of five other people in absentia on the same charges: Ali Habshi, Hiba Tahina, Anis Qanso, Mohammed Bazzi and Ali Qaeek, according to Lebanon’s official news agency.

The National News Agency’s statement on the charges made reference to the five as "runaways," but Mr. Qanso issued a statement, also published by the agency Saturday, denying that he was on the run or that he was managing Mr. Ezzedine’s finances. None of the others accused made public comment.

Mr. Ezzedine remains in detention. It is unclear whether he has hired an attorney, and a representative hasn’t been identified.

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Hariri: It’s my right to try a ‘different’ cabinet strategy
BEIRUT: Future Movement leader MP Saad Hariri stressed on Monday that he was one of the biggest supporters of the formation of a national unity government, adding that he has the right to adopt a “different” negotiations approach. “I have kept my hand extended but they [the opposition] have always rejected our open approach,” he said during an iftar banquet in honor of Beiruti families at his residence in Qoreitem. 


“In face of such rigid stance, it then becomes my constitutional right to adopt a different strategy,” he said.


He said he would reveal such a strategy if he is re-appointed as prime-minister designate. 


Hariri said he had stepped down as a premier designate “not because I was intending to create a crisis but because I realized that there was no place for wise dialogue.” 


He added that his alliance had agreed to include Hizbullah in the cabinet, despite Israeli threats. 


“I have been patient for 73 days. Why should I keep patient?” he asked, adding that his national duties require him to adopt a patient and wise attitude for the sake of the country. 


Hariri stressed that he was ready to make sacrifices
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Hariri’s Cabinet Line-up – SUMMARY OF NEWS from Different Media

Move could prompt Hariri to step down as PM-designate
By Elias Sakr
Daily Star staff
Wednesday, September 09, 2009


BEIRUT: Opposition groups informed President Michel Sleiman Tuesday of their rejection of the cabinet line-up proposal submitted Monday by Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, raising the possibility that the latter would step aside. “We do not consider what happened to be appropriate, either with our democratic values or in how to deal with us. We were demanding from [Hariri] to present a draft that is acceptable to our demands in order to negotiate over it,” said caretaker Telecommunications Minister Jebran Bassil, a Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) official, after meeting Sleiman at his summer residence in Beiteddine. 


“We have informed [the president] of our rejection but at the same time, we have illustrated all the readiness to continue dialogue and negotiation.” 


The opposition delegation comprised, in addition to Bassil, the political aide of Hizbullah’s secretary general Hussein Khalil and Amal Movement MP Ali Hassan Khalil. 


Hariri handed Sleiman his proposal on Monday, a move quickly rejected by the opposition alliance because they had not agreed to the draft. 


Political sources said Hariri might react to the opposition’s categoric refusal by stepping down. Should he do so, Sleiman is expected to hold consultations with parliamentarians this week to designate a new premier. 
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Sejann Azzi Article




مخاطر تتخطى اصطفافَي 8 و 14 آذار

نشر هذا المقال في جريدة النهار في أول آب 2009

سجعان قزي


تجمُّع 14 آذار لم ينطلق للمطالبة بالانسحاب السوري والمحكمة الدولية وحسب، بل هو حركة وطنية واستقلالية تستكمل مشروع إعلان دولة لبنان الكبير وتنعش الميثاق الوطني. فالكيان اللبناني الذي تَمَّ الاعتراف دستورياً بنهائيته في اتفاق الطائف، ظل ينقصه اعتراف وجداني، فكانت ثورة الأرز تناضل لبناء دولة ديمقراطية مدنية حيادية لامركزية (وتبين لاحقاً وجود تباين بين أطراف 14 آذار حول مفهوم هذه الكلمات).

وتجمُّع 8 آذار لم يجتمع لرفض الانسحاب السوري والمحكمة الدولية وحسب، بل هو حركة سياسية وعسكرية تؤمن بوحدة لبنان واستقلاله، قاوم مكَـوّنها الأساسي (حزب الله) الاحتلالَ الإسرائيلي، لكنه يقوم اليوم مقامَ الدور السوري ويجسِّد امتداد الثورة الإيرانية شرقي المتوسط (وتبين أيضاً وجود تباين بين أطراف 8 آذار حول حدود هذا الدور).

لذلك إن الصراع بين التجمعين اللذين يحملان مشروعين متناقضين للبنان الوطن والهوية والنظام والمجتمع والإنسان، لن ينتهي إلا بغالب ومغلوب. لا أعني هنا أن فريقاً لبنانياً سيغلب فريقاً لبنانياً آخر، بل أقصد أن أحد هذين المشروعين سيغلب الآخر، إذ لا يمكن التسوية بين الاستقلالية والتبعية، بين الدولة والدويلة، بين الأمن والمربعات الأمنية، بين الحرب والسلام، بين الحداثة والجمود، بين الحياد والانحياز، بين السلاح الشرعي والسلاح غير الشرعي، وبين ولاية الفقيه والدولة المدنية.

إذا كان مشروع 14 آذار المعلن هو الحقيقي والنهائي، فمشروع 8 آذار المعلن هو مرحلي وتمويهي يُخفي مشروع حزب الله الأساسي بإقامة جمهورية إسلامية "تحترم" الخصوصية اللبنانية. وهذا لا ينفي وجود مشروع سُـنّي سلَفي ـ يرفضه تيار المستقبل ويكبحه ـ يحلم بإقامة خلافة إسلامية لا تحترم الخصوصية اللبنانية، لأنه فكر تكفيري خلافاً لفكر حزب الله.

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LEBANON: Quietly, Jewish community begins synagogue renovation

Since Lebanon’s 1975-1990 civil war, Beirut’s Maghen-Abraham synagogue sat empty as other buildings in the Wadi Abou-Jamil neighborhood were renovated into multimillion-dollar condos, offices or hotels.  Last week, restoration began on the 84-year-old synagogue, Beirut’s oldest remaining Jewish house of worship, launching what will be a yearlong, million-dollar undertaking.  Private Jewish donors abroad, many of […]

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Jumblatt reacting to regional trends

By Tom Perry


BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad al-Hariri has taken a holiday to "think and reflect" after a once close ally quit his anti-Syria coalition in a move expected to delay the formation of a new government.


Druze leader Walid Jumblatt’s departure from Hariri’s "March 14" alliance this week has redrawn Lebanon’s political map and undermined the coalition’s June parliamentary election victory over rivals including the powerful Iran-backed Hezbollah group.


Hariri, a Saudi- and U.S.-backed billionaire businessman, had been expected to conclude talks this week on the formation of a coalition government grouping his alliance with parties allied to Syria, including Hezbollah and the Amal movement.


But he left the country Monday night for a holiday, his media office said. The trip aimed to give Hariri a chance to "think and reflect calmly," according to a statement released after a meeting of MPs from his Future Movement.

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