
Lebanese presidential vote delayed

A bitterly divided Lebanese parliament adjourned Tuesday without officially beginning the process of selecting a new president.Two-thirds of members must attend before an official session can be held. The next session has been scheduled for October 23.Members of parliament arrived in armored convoys, traveling under the protection of security details. The downtown area was sealed off as concrete barriers diverted the normal flow of traffic.

BEIRUT (AFP) – Dozens of Lebanese lawmakers gathered under heavy security in parliament on Tuesday for a crucial session aimed at electing a president and ending a long-running crisis that has paralysed the country. Many MPs arrived at the legislature in central Beirut under heavy military escort from a nearby luxury hotel.Several MPs stood outside the building briefly and held up a banner bearing the names and pictures of six fellow lawmakers killed since 2005 in attacks The latest victim, Antoine Ghanem, was assassinated last week in a car bombing in a Beirut suburb."We were forced out, don’t choose to be forced out" read the banner in a supposed message from the grave

One MP, Ghinwa Jalloul, waved a Lebanese flag from her car and held up a picture of former prime minister and MP Rafiq Hariri whose assassination in February 2005 lies at the root of the current crisis."Long live Lebanon," she shouted to reporters before entering the building.The perimetre around the imposing structure was off-limits to normal traffic after elite troops and tanks deployed in the area. Checkpoints were also set up throughout the city creating traffic jams, and many businesses were shut.Ali Bazzi, an MP with the opposition Amal movement, reiterated that his camp would only take part in Tuesday’s session if the feuding political parties agreed on a consensus candidate.

But many MPs said that was unlikely to happen, and the session was expected to focus on consultations among the rival parties.Several MPs said that speaker Nabih Berri would probably adjourn Tuesday’s session and call for parliament to reconvene around October 16 or 17, after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

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Thousands mourn slain Lebanese MP Antoine Ghanem offers its deepest condoleances to the families of Antoine Ghanem, Nuhad Gharib,  Tony Daou, Charles Chikhani, Sonia Baroudi.

Times, 21 sept,  Huge crowds turned out in Beirut today for the funeral of an anti-Syrian MP whose assassination this week could derail a tense parliamentary vote to chose a new Lebanese president. Pallbearers threaded their way through a forest of Lebanese flags as they carried the coffins of Antoine Ghanem and his two bodyguards Nuhad Gharib and Tony Daou through the Furn el-Chebbak district, where the Phalange Party MP had his constituency.

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Lebanon blast kills parliamentarian Antoine Ghanem, 20 injured

BEIRUT, Lebanon Sin el Fil — Lebanese parliamentarian Antoine Ghanem was killed in a massive bombing in Beirut on Wednesday, according to Lebanese Broadcasting Corp., quoting a member of Ghanem’s Phalange Party. At least 4 other people were killed in the explosion, according to a high-ranking government official.

Red Cross officials told Lebanese Broadcasting Corp. that 20 people were wounded in the blast — a huge fireball that damaged dozens of cars.Nearby buildings were heavily damaged and broken glass littered the street, near the Librairie Antoine, a bookstore. Please click read more to view  pictures of this crime.

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‘Israeli warplanes raid’ Lebanon

Israeli warplanes have flown at low altitude over southern Lebanon in defiance of a United Nations resolution, reports from Beirut say. The fighter jets allegedly caused sonic booms as they flew over the cities of Sidon and Tyre, as well as the towns of Bint Jbeil and Marjayoun. Israel has so far made no comment on the Lebanese claims.

Israel has been criticised by the UN for making a number of overflights in Lebanon in recent weeks. Israel says they are necessary to monitor activities by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militants.

‘Hezbollah stronghold’ Lebanese police said six Israeli aircraft violated Lebanon’s airspace at 0700 GMT, according to the AFP news agency. Police said the jets swooped low over the port cities of Sidon and Tyre as well as the Bint Jbeil region, a Hezbollah stronghold.

It was reportedly the first time that Israeli planes have flown at supersonic speeds in Lebanon’s airspace, causing sonic bangs. Last August’s UN ceasefire followed a resolution by the world body that ended a 34-day war between Israel and Hezbollah.

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Business study pegs Lebanese growth at 2 percent for 2007

19 September 2007 BEIRUT: In its latest report for the fourth quarter of 2007, London-based Business Monitor International (BMI) maintained its 2007 real GDP growth forecast for Lebanon at 2 percent. However, the agency, which conducts credit rating and country risk research, believes that this growth is propelled by postwar reconstruction activity rather than a vibrant overall economic situation.

The forecast stems from BMI’s belief that the precariousness of consumer and investor confidence has driven the economy into a state of "just getting by." Nonetheless, the country has huge growth potential, the report said."Positive reforms and the government’s full harnessing of its resources could cause drastic upward revisions in forecasts that could reach 4.5 percent in 2007, since the economy is already coming from a very low base," BMI said in a report published in Bank Audi’s weekly bulletin.

The report indicates that some sectors avoided the impact of domestic economic stagnation, as receipts from exports continued to show positive growth throughout 2007, as a result of the continuous strong demand from the Gulf.About 40 percent of Lebanese exports go to the Middle East, with the UAE accounting for a significant 8 percent, followed by Syria with 7.4 percent, Iraq at 6.8 percent, and Saudi Arabia at 6.3 percent. BMI expects this demand to remain high, given the fact that oil prices are still soaring.

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Cheikh Bachir Gemayel – 25 years

صولانج بشير الجميّل

بيروت في 14/9/2007

 جئناك يا بشير، في ذكرى استشهادك الخامسة والعشرين، لنؤكّد لك تمسّكنا بثوابتك الوطنية، التي ناضلت واستشهدت مع رفاقك من أجلها.

ظنّوا انهم غيّبوك لينقضّوا على لبنان،

ظنّوا أنهم إغتالوك ليغتالوا في قلوبنا الأمل،

لكن، لأول مرّة، أشعر أن استشهادَك لم يذهب سدىً كما كانوا يأملون وينتظرون. فدماء شركائنا في الوطن امتزجت بدمائك ودماء رفاقك، لترسم بكل فخر خريطة لبنان الجديد، لبنانَ السيّد، لبنانَ المستقل ولبنان الثائر على كلّ احتلال والرافض لأية هيمنة.

وها هي اليوم دماءُ شهداءِ جيشنا البطل، تؤكد لك يا بشير، ما كنتَ تحلم به للبنان من جيش وطنّي، قويّ بإرادته وتصميمه.

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Berri touts broad support for latest proposal

BEIRUT Daily Star: Speaker Nabih Berri declared Thursday that no Parliament session can take place without him, and warned that while the Lebanese Army would remain united during a widely feared domestic political crisis, the Internal Security Forces (ISF) might split. Appearing on the country’s  most influential political talk show, the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation’s "Kalam al-Naas," Berri warned that despite what some in the March 14 camp might think, Parliament cannot convene to elect a new president without him.

"Because I called for a parliamentary session on September 25, they cannot meet … without me or by virtue of law as they think," said Berri, quoting Article 73 of the Constitution. The speaker vowed to continue calling for a session, even after October 24, which marks a deadline of 10 days before President Emile Lahoud’s (extended) mandate expires and said: "I have the right!" "There are hundreds of legitimate [candidates] among the Maronites, so why can’t we agree on one?" he asked.

Berri also expressed disappointed at the "delays" from the majority camp in responding to his initiative. "By delaying, the intensity of the initiative dies down," said Berri, who nonetheless insisted that he would push his compromise proposal to the very end. Citing a poll of 600 Beirutis from all sects conducted on Thursday, Berri said 76 per cent  backed his initiative, with support strongest among Shiites (99 per cent) and lowest among Druze (55 per cent).

Berri also expressed "discomfort" at a statement by UN Middle East envoy Terje Roed-Larsen, who opined that if the two thirds-quorum is not present, a president should be elected by absolute majority and should fulfill all UN resolutions, particularly 1559. "The Lebanese are in great disagreement over 1559, so why raise that controversial point at this crucial time?" asked Berri, who added that he received a telephone call from UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon, who assured him that what Roed-Larsen said will be "discussed and studied."

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صوت لبنان” استطل&#1593

صوت لبنان" استطلعت آراء مشاركين في لقاء الجمعية السويسرية 
الخازن: الحاجة ملحة الى حوار معمق للتأسيس للمرحلة المقبلــة

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المركزية – اوضح النائب فريد الخازن ان الجمعية السويسرية للحوار الاوروبي العربي – الاسلامي وهي جمعية غير حكومية، بادرت الى دعوة اللبنانيين الى المشاركة في حوار في سويسرا للوصول الى قواسم مشتركة، مشيرا الى ان الهواجس اللبنانية وضعت على طاولة الحوار في ظل جو ايجابي. 
وشدد في حديث الى برنامج "صالون السبت" من اذاعة "صوت لبنان" على "الحاجة الملحة الى حوار معمق حول مسائل اساسية للتأسيس للمرحلة المقبلة للبنان الغد الذي تمنى الا تكون بعيدة". 
واشار الخازن الى ان سياسة سويسرا الخارجية قائمة على الحياد ولا تاريخ لها في التدخل بشؤون الدول الاخرى، وهي تأخذ مبادرات وتحاول ان تلعب دورا لدى الدول التي تعاني شعوبها من خلافات، كونها بلدا حياديا لا يشكل تعاطيها اي محاذير، لأن لا خلفية سياسية سابقة لها تجاه اي فريق، مشيرا الى ان اهمية التجربة السويسرية هي في المزيج بين الفيدرالية والحياد. وأكد الخازن صعوبة الفصل بين العلاقات اللبنانية – السويسرية وموضوع المحكمة ذات الطابع الدولي وقال: في ظل الاوضاع الراهنة لا بد من تصحيح العلاقة بين لبنان وسوريا التي يجب ان تكون كعلاقة سوريا مع سائر جيرانها وهذا المطلب ليس تعجيزيا.
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النائب الخازن: ك&#1604

النائب الخازن: كلام جنبلاط سلبي
والتوافقي هو من ينتخب بالثلثين


اعتبر عضو "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب فريد الخازن ان المرشح التوافقي هو الذي سينتخب بأكثرية الثلثين، لافتاً الى ان النائب العماد ميشال عون "مرشح اساسي ويلقى تأييداً كبيراً سواء من مجلس النواب او من القاعدة الشعبية التي يمثلها". ورأى ان حديث رئيس "اللقاء الديموقراطي" النائب وليد جنبلاط عن التمسك بالنصف زائد واحد "يقطع الطريق على اي امكان للتفاهم والتشاور وتهيئة الاجواء السياسية للانتقال من الازمة الى الانتخابات الرئاسية". 
وقال الخازن عن لقاء الرئيس نبيه بري وعون: "اللقاء ليس مستغرباً ومن الطبيعي ان يتم خصوصاً في ضوء المبادرة التي اطلقها الرئيس بري، وتالياً ان لقاء القيادات اللبنانية بعضها مع بعض حتى لو اختلفت الآراء امر ضروري"، مؤكداً "ان التواصل قائم بين جميع الافرقاء خصوصاً في ظل الوضع الراهن للخروج من الازمة". 

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