
Lebanese rivals meet in France

PARIS (Reuters) – Rival Lebanese politicians met at a state-owned chateau near Paris on Saturday in a French-sponsored attempt to discuss ways of ending the 8-month-old political crisis gripping their country. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, hosting the closed-door two-day meeting at the Chateau de Celle-Saint Cloud, first addressed the gathering with a few words in Arabic.

"The minister made an opening statement and then there was a round during which everybody expressed their point of view," a ministry spokeswoman said.The delegates will dine together and resume their talks on Sunday, ending with a news conference in the evening.

About 30 politicians representing parties across Lebanon’s broad political spectrum are at the meeting as well as some civic society leaders. Among the guests are representatives of Hezbollah, making its first official visit to France. "At first we planned to renounce going to Paris because such comments are biased. But a clarifying statement by the French authorities has since rectified things," Hezbollah delegation leader and former Energy Minister Mohammed Fneish told Le Figaro newspaper. The talks could only succeed if all parties accepted the others as partners, he said. "It is exceptional to be meeting again, after all the obstructions," said Ibrahim Kenaan representing General Aoun. The meetings Saturday and Sunday at La Celle Saint Cloud west of Paris mark the first time the 14 parties are meeting since a national dialogue conference in November that failed to resolve the tensions.

The talks have no set agenda. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and other French diplomats were there, but as observers, not mediators.France, Lebanon’s former colonial ruler, is playing a delicate diplomatic game in the volatile region. French envoys discussed plans for the meetings with American and Iranian counterparts

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Brammertz warns political crisis in Lebanon likely to hurt Hariri probe

AFP, Lebanon’s worsening political and security situation is likely to have a negative impact on the UN probe of the 2005 murder of Lebanese former Premier Rafik Hariri, according to a UN report released Thursday. The 20-ipage document, which reviews progress made by the enquiry commission led by Belgian prosecutor Serge Brammertz since its March report, expressed concern about the deteriorating environment in Lebanon over the past few months. "Although the commission – in close cooperation with the Lebanese authorities – has put in place mitigating measures to protect its staff and premises, the deterioration in the political and security environment is likely to have a negative effect on the Commission’s activities in the coming months," the report warned.

The report, which was made available to the 15 members of the UN Security Council, pointed to the ongoing fighting between the Lebanese Army and Islamic militants as well as to the assassination of March 14 MP Walid Eido and the attack on a convoy of UN peacekeepers that left six of them dead in South Lebanonlast month. The report also takes note of the coming into force of the international court to try suspects in the Hariri murder in line with a Security Council resolution adopted May 30.

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General sees own candidacy as only hope for Lebanon

RABIEH, Lebanon (AFP) – Retired General Michel Aoun with less than 11 weeks to go before presidential elections, sees his candidacy as the only way out for a Lebanon deep crisis. "Maybe I am the key because I am independent, love Lebanon, and am a free man, with no foreign capital behind me … I can be the bridge between all sides," he said. "I can’t guarantee anybody else. I know my country, our politicians … I don’t want a mistake," Aoun told AFP in an interview at his  villa headquarters in the affluent mountain resort of Rabieh, northeast of Beirut

The Maronite Christian opposition leader said he was opposed to a "weak" consensus candidate coming forward in a bid to break the deadlock, warning that such a scenario could spark further instability and "destroy the country."All-party talks taking place near Paris this weekend were "an opportunity for all parties to expose their points of view … and for a possible initiative born of a synthesis," Aoun said."If we are not optimistic, why go to Paris? We have to give a chance to all initiatives," he said.Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement won a vast majority of the Christian vote in 2005 legislative elections, after Syria ended its almost three decades of military domination of Lebanon under international pressure following former premier Rafiq Hariri’s murder.

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Lebanon bombards refugee camp militants

By SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI, Associated Press Writer, TRIPOLI, Lebanon – Under constant artillery fire from the Lebanese army, Islamic militants holed up in a Palestinian refugee camp in north Lebanon shot back with rockets on Friday. Regular artillery and tank fire fell on Nahr el-Bared, sending plumes of black smoke rising in the air over the refugee camp’s bullet-punctured buildings.

Apparently trying to ease the military pressure and expand the battles outside the camp, the al-Qaida-styled militants unleashed a volley of Katyusha rockets at the army. A total of nine rockets crashed into nearby villages, as well as in orange and grape groves, security officials and the state-run National News Agency said. The rockets caused some damage but no casualties, said the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media."It has more a psychological effect than a military effect," said Elias Hanna, a retired Lebanese army general.Fatah Islam gunmen also traded heavy fire with the troops circling them in the refugee camp, soldiers said. "They shot back with rocket-propelled grenades and machine-guns," said a soldier sitting in a military jeep a few hundreds meters from the camp. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

The army had reported four soldiers died in the previous day’s fighting, but a senior military official raised the death toll to six on Friday.The six soldiers, including an officer, were killed by shrapnel or gunfire during the fierce fighting Thursday when the army unleashed one of its heaviest bombardments against the Fatah Islam militants, said a military official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to make statements.

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الأسبابُ الموجِ&

الأسبابُ الموجِبة لبيان المطارنة

 – Sejean Azzi, جريدة "النهار" في 11 تموز 2007

مَن لم يُسلِّم بأن "مجدَ لبنان أعطي له" ومَن يَسْعَ لنقلِه إلى مكانٍ آخرَ حديثٍ أو مُستَحدَث، فليُسَلِّم، على الأقل، بأن نقدَ بكركي الحكمَ حقٌّ باقٍ لها…والأقربون إلى بكركي، وهم تيّارُ السيادةِ والاستقلال، أَوْلى بالنقدِ حين يُخطِئون أو يَغضُّون الطرْفَ (لعلَّ وعسى).

لكنَّ نقدَ الأقربين لا يُخفِّفُ من أخطاءِ غيرِهم ولا يُعفيهم من مسؤوليةِ تعليقِ "مبادئِ المنفى" وتغطيةِ أسلمةِ لبنان من نافذةٍ أخرى. نعم، هناك مشاريعٌ لا مشروعٌ واحدٌ لأسلمةِ لبنان، وقد بدأت منذ اليومِ الأوّل لتطبيقِ اتفاقِ الطائف بإشرافِ الاحتلالِ السوري والحكمِ اللبناني والحكوماتِ والمجالسِ النيابيةِ المتعاقِبة.

وإذا كانت الوقايةُ خيرَ عِلاجٍ، فالتحذيرُ أفضلُ وقايةٍ من الأعظم الذي يَخشاه البطريركُ الماروني. والمفارَقةُ أنَّ مَرجِعاً دينياً (مجلس المطارنة الموارنة) يدعو إلى دولةٍ مدنيةٍ من خلالِ رفضِ مشاريعَ قوانين تُؤججُ الطائفية، بينما مَرجعاً مدنياً (الحكومة) يَعمل لمضاعفةِ الحالة الدينية. غير أنَّ هذا المرجعَ الديني، الذي أعطى مؤسسةَ قوى الأمن الداخلي مثلاً لاختلالِ التوازنِ الصيغوي، كان أصاب أيضاً وأكثر لو أعطى أمثلةً أخرى كـ مؤسسات الأمنِ العام والجيشِ والحرسِ الجمهوري وشرطةِ مجلسِ النواب والجمارك وبلديةِ بيروت وعددٍ من الوزاراتِ والإداراتِ الرسمية، ناهيكم عن الحالاتِ العسكريةِ الخارجةِ عن سلطةِ الدولةِ كحزبِ الله والمخيمات الفلسطينية.

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Shakira stays away as Lebanon summer festivals called off

BEIRUT (AFP) – Lebanon’s main summer festivals have been called off for a second straight year — with a Shakira concert cancelled — because of security fears and political tensions, organisers said on Thursday. Wafa Saab, a spokeswoman for the Beiteddine Festival near the capital, said international performers, like most tourists, had refused to travel to Lebanon, Security would have been a major headache, she acknowledged.

The Baalbek Festival in the Bekaa Valley of eastern Lebanon has also been called off, Maya al-Halabi said, although no decision has been taken yet on a third festival in Byblos, to the north of Beirut.  Shakira, the Colombian superstar with Lebanese roots, was to have performed in the capital as part of the Beiteddine events.He was to have conducted his orchestra at the Roman temples in Baalbek

Last summer, instead of droves of culture vultures descending on the country, tens of thousands of foreigners fled in a massive evacuation from a war that killed more than 1,200 people in Lebanon, mostly civilians.Tourism Minister Joseph Sarkis had announced only two months ago that the festivals would go ahead despite a political crisis that has gripped the country since November. But the army has since been locked in a deadly battle with Islamist militants in northern Lebanon and a string of bomb blasts have struck Beirut and tourist areas."We want to change the image of Lebanon with an international media campaign in order to attract tourists again," Sarkis said in May, recalling that Lebanon had been banking in 2006 on a record year in tourism revenues.

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Heavy fighting at Lebanese camp

BBC, July 9 – Lebanese troops have fought new battles with Islamist militants around a Palestinian refugee camp in the north of the country, reports say. Militants fired mortars from the Nahr al-Bared camp, the official Lebanese news agency said. The army was reported to have responded with artillery fire.  Militants from the Fatah al-Islam […]

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Syria hands over car used in Lebanese minister’s assassination

 Beirut – Syria on Monday July 9 – 2007- reportedly handed over to Lebanon the stolen car used in the November 22, 2006 assassination of Lebanese industry minister Pierre Gemayel. According to a Lebanese security official the broken down Honda was found abandoned on the international highway linking Syria with Turkey. Reporting on the same story, the daily As-Safir said an insurance company that took delivery of the car handed it over to the Internal Security Forces’ intelligence bureau and that after thorough examination, it was confirmed that the vehicle was used in Gemayel’s murder.

As-Safir said an investigation of Lebanese suspect Mohammed Merhi uncovered that the al-Qaeda-inspired group Fatah al-Islam had a hand in the murder of Gemayel, a scion of Lebanon’s most prominent Christian family and a leading opponent of Syria, who was gunned down near Beirut. The leading daily An-Nahar on Saturday said that based on an interrogation with Fatah al-Islam detainees, the perpetrator of the Gemayel crime was the terrorist group led by Shaker Abssi. The as-Safir report comes a few days after other media reports that Ahmed Jebril’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine- General Command also played a role in the crime.

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El Khazen History of the Jokes
ظاهزة التنكيت عند الخازنيين
النكتة عند اللبنانيين, ليست عريقة ولاوراثية أصلاً انما هي حديثة مكتسبة, ومع الوقت حملت البداهة
فافينيقيون لم يلتهوا بالسخرية والتندر بل كانوا تجاراً ومخترعين.
والشعوب المتعددة التي تعاقبت على لبنان من مصريين وأشوريين وبابليين وفرس ويونان… لم يهتموا الا بالتهم العسكرية التي لا تمت الى روح الدعابة بصلة.
وايضاًالعرب لم يكونوا من اهل الهزل والدعابة بل فاتحين ومقاتلين وايضاً العثمانيين الذين كانوا سفاحين واعداء للحرية ولكل ما هو انساني.
لذلك لا نعجب من أن تكون النكتة قد اتصلت بألبنانيين منذ منتصف القرن التاسع عشر فأقبلوا على فن التنكيت وابدعوا به وأن اردنا تعداد اسماء الظرفاء في لبنان نذكر على سبيا المثال لا الحصر: سليم سركيس، شاكر الخوري، اسكندر العازار، مارون عبود، يوسف شرابيه، اسكندر الرياشي ، نجيب حنكش… هؤلاء هم افراد لكن بين اللبنانيين اسرة بأمها وابيها ذاع صيتها وملأت الارجاء في التنكيت، هي الأسرة الخازنية، فتنكيتها ظاهرة فريدة ملفتة، حتى باتت مضرب مثل. وكثيراً ما يقول الناس بصورة عفوية لدى سماعهم نكتة موفقة: انها خازنية! أو يتساءلون: هل هي خازنية؟
فما حكاية هذة الظاهرة؟

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Homelie July 8 Patriarch Sfeir

ها أنا أرسلكم كالخراف بين الذئاب"

( لو 10: 3).

      يتحدّث السيد المسيح عن موجبات القيام بالرسالة، وهي تفترض، بحسب ما أعطى تلاميذه من تعليمات، الثقة بأن الله هو من يرسل المرسلين، وهو من يزوّدهم الوعي، والجرأة، والحكمة، لقول ما يجب أن يقولوه. وقد نبّههم الى ما سيجدون، لدى القيام برسالتهم، من صعوبات ، وسيلقون ما يلقاه الخراف من الذئاب. أي الاضطهاد، ونكران الجميل، واللامبالاة، أن لم يكن العداوة السافرة. وقد نبّههم الى وجوب الاعتماد على العناية الإلهية في ما يحتاجون اليه من شؤون الدنيا، لذلك قال لهم:" لا تحملوا كيسا، ولا زادا، ولا حذاء، ولا تسلّموا على أحد في الطريق". هذا يعني الاتكال في الحصول على هذه كلها، من متطلّبات الحياة اليومية، على الله وعنايته. ويضيف: اينما اتجهتم نادوا بالسلام. وبعدُ فالفاعل يستحق أجرته.

      وهو يحذّر من الهوس والتطرّف، وهو ويريد في الوقت عينه أن يختبر ايمان الرسل . ومن أراد السلام لسواه، عليه قبل كلّ أن يضع السلام في قلبه. وعسير على الانسان أن يقترب من انسان آخر ان لم يكن السلام في قلبه. ولا يستطيع أحد أن يضع السلام في قلوب الآخرين ان لم يضعه أولا في قلبه.

      واذا أردنا اشاعة السلام في مجتمعنا، كان لزاما علينا أن نضع هذا السلام في قلبنا. ومن كان السلام في قلبه، فلا تخيفه الذئاب.

      وننتقل الى الكلام عن العائلة التي خرجت عن المألوف، والتي بطلت، في زعم بعضهم، أن تكون مؤسسة، كما أرادها الرب، بل أصبحت شواذا تفتقر الى الطمأنية والسلام. والعائلة في مفهومنا التقليدي هي التي أرادها الله مؤلفّة من رجل وامرأة وأولاد، وعلى الوالدين أن يعنيا بتربية أولادهما على مبادئ الدين، والأخلاق السليمة، ليستطيعوا العيش في مجتمعهم في جوّ من الإلفة، والمحبة، والتعاون المخلص، والسلام.

      1– شواذات عائلية

      ان هناك شواذات كثيرة تتعلّق بالعائلة منها أنه هناك، في زعم القائلين، نظرية جديدة، باستطاعة شخصين من نوع واحد أن يقوما مقام الوالدين، عن طريق التبنّي، وهذه نظرية تقول بأن الفرق بين الرجل والمرأة جنسيا لا قيمة له. ويزعمون أن المجمتع هو الذي يعطي كلا من المرأة والرجل دوره في المجتمع، وذلك ليس بفضل الطبيعة، بل بفضل نتاج الثقافة. وهذه الثقافة هي التي تعزو الى كل من الرجل والمرأة ما لهما من دور في المجتمع. وأمّا الثقافات التقليدية القديمة، فقد تخطّاها الزمن، بحسب قولهم، لا بل يجب القضاء عليها، لكونها غالبا ما تسحق المرأة في اطار الزواج التقليدي. وتحرير المرأة، يقتضي، في زعم القائلين بهذه النظرية، ثقافة جديدة تحرّرها من نير الزواج والايلاد. وهذه النظرية تضع في دائرة الجدل العلاقة القائمة بين الرجل والمرأة ضمن العائلة التي يجب أن يقوم بين أفرادها تضامن وتكافل. وهكذا تتعطّل الأدوار في العائلة القائمة على اختلاف الجنس، وهذا يحمل على تطوير ثقافة عائلية جديدة. وهي ثقافة تفضي الى الاعتراف بدور يقوم به الأشخاص الذين هم من جنس واحد.

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