
Cheikh Wadih el Khazen – Assafir newspaper 27-11-2006

الخازن يأمل عودة الفريق الحاكم إلى وجدانه الوطني سأل رئيس المجلس العام الماروني الوزير السابق وديع الخازن: <هل كان ضروريا أن تصل الأمور إلى حافة المواجهة المليئة بالمخاطر على الأمن والمصير ما دمنا اتفقنا جميعا على مبدأ قيام المحكمة ذات الطابع الدولي واختلفنا على الآلية الميكانيكية التي يحاول البعض تمريرها على بياض؟ اضاف <وإذا تمكنت […]

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Cheikh Farid Haykal el Khazen Visit to the Patriarch Sfeir عثرت امس دورية من الدرك على عبوة ناسفة لم تنفجر على بعد 200 متر من منزل النائب السابق فريد الخازن وضعت قرب مكب للنفايات، وقام الخبراء بتعطيلها. وكان الخازن ادلى امس في بكركي بتصريحات عنيفة دعا فيها العماد ميشال عون الى عدم التظاهر في

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Cheikh Farid Haikal el Khazen murder attempt

November 26, 2006. Updated by Outside the house of Cheikh Farid Haikal el Khazen, they have found in a bag 3 bombs. Thankfully these bombs did not explode. Earlier today Cheikh Farid visited the patriarch and warned against any demonstrations attempt  in the Christian regions of Lebanon because this will rise tensions between Christians.

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Thousands honor slain Lebanese leader

By ZEINA KARAM, Associated Press Writer, BEIRUT, Lebanon – Tens of thousands of Lebanese gathered Thursday to bid farewell to an assassinated politician, and his anti-Syrian allies turned his funeral into a powerful show of force against opponents led by Hezbollah militants and their backers in Damascus. The coffin of Pierre Gemayel, wrapped in the flag of his Phalange Party

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Lebanese crowds defy Syria at Gemayel’s funeral

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Tens of thousands of Lebanese choked downtown Beirut to pay tribute to assassinated Christian leader Pierre Gemayel on Thursday.Sunni Muslim, Druze and Christian leaders have accused Syria of killing Gemayel, scion of one of Lebanon’s most prominent Maronite families. Damascus has condemned his murder.

The anti-Syrian camp says the aim of the Syrian-backed opposition is to weaken Lebanon’s Western-supported government and scupper a U.N.-backed tribunal to try suspects in last year’s assassination of ex-premier Rafik al-Hariri."They will not suppress our demands for the truth, justice and the international court," Druze leader Walid Jumblatt told the crowd, speaking behind a bullet-proof screen. He stressed this was no time for strife. "At this moment and above pain and above wounds, we are for dialogue," he said.

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Lebanese Cabinet minister is killed

Our sincere condoleances to the gemayel Family and the Kataeb party and this great loss to Lebanon. Pierre Gemayel a unique asset to Lebanon.

 BEIRUT, Lebanon – Prominent anti-Syrian politician Pierre Gemayel was assassinated in a suburb of Beirut on Tuesday, his Phalange Party Voice of Lebanon radio station reported. The shooting will certainly heighten the political tension in Lebanon.

Gemayel was rushed to a nearby hospital, according to the Lebanese Broadcasting Corp. and the Voice of Lebanon, the Phalange Party mouthpiece reported. The party later announced that he was dead.Gemayel, the minister of industry and son of former President Amin Gemayel.He was named for his grandfather, who founded the Phalange Party in 1936 to exert Christian power in Lebanon. It dominated Christian politics for decades after Lebanon’s independence from France in 1943.

To view picture of this horrific incident please click READ MORE (the pictures are added on a daily basis)

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Lebanon political crisis deepens

BEIRUT (BBC) – A sixth minister has resigned from the Lebanese government, which was plunged into a political crisis when all five Shia cabinet members quit. Environment Minister Yacoub Sarraf, a Christian, is an ally of pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud like his Shia colleagues from Hezbollah and Amal.

They resigned after calls for a greater role in government were rejected. But a cabinet meeting to consider a UN plan to try killers of former PM Rafik Hariri went ahead despite the ructions. "I don’t see myself belonging to any constitutional authority in which an entire sect is absent," Mr. Sarraf said in his letter of resignation, according to Lebanon’s National News Agency.

Mr. Lahoud said on Sunday that as a result of the resignations, the government had lost its legitimacy – but constitutional experts have disputed his interpretation of the situation. The cabinet, normally made up Christian and Muslim ministers in equal numbers, has retained the two-thirds of its members necessary to make up a quorum.

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Lebanese leaders to resume crisis talks on Thursday

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Rival Lebanese leaders will meet again on Thursday to try to agree on a government reshuffle following two days of talks aimed at defusing a political crisis that has threatened to spill into the streets. The talks, which began on Monday with a pledge by Lebanon’s politicians to refrain from attacking each other in the media, focused on Tuesday on the key issue —

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who convened the talks, described the session as "frank, deep and rich" and said the leaders would use the break to consider various proposed compromises such as expanding the government to include more opposition members"Bringing down the government is not proposed. Personally, I am not proposing a new prime minister or a new government statement or a vote of confidence in the government," Berri told reporters after the session.

"The government could expand or contract. In this case, participation cannot be except with more than a third." He set Thursday as the date for the next meeting.A political source said the leaders had not made major progress and divisions remained deep, but that Thursday’s session could be decisive.

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Saddam verdict, hailed by foes, upsets some Arabs

By Alistair Lyon, Special Correspondent BEIRUT (Reuters) – Saddam Hussein’s death sentence on Sunday evoked satisfaction in countries he invaded, sorrow among his Palestinian admirers and resentment from some Arabs who see him as the victim of a U.S.-inspired show trial. 

Kuwaitis, who suffered a seven-month Iraqi occupation in 1990-91, applauded the Baghdad court’s decision that the former Iraqi president should hang for crimes against humanity. This is good news," Kuwaiti political analyst and former oil minister Ali al-Baghli said.  "Saddam deserves to be hanged because of the atrocities he inflicted on his people for the past 35 years and on his neighbours also. He sent millions of people to their deaths." 

Iran said it hoped Saddam, who was convicted over the deaths of more than 148 Shi’ite men from the Iraqi town of Dujail, would still be brought to book for offences it accuses him of committing during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.  Ali Farhoudi, a 38-year-old veteran of that conflict, expressed a widely held view among Iranians that the noose was too merciful a punishment for the former Iraqi president. 

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