
تمثال ليوحنا بول

مطر: فلنكف عن التصرّفات العبثية والفوقية

كتبت ماري كلير فغالي:

وقف البابا يوحنا بولس الثاني امس ببسمته الطيبة امام حشد من المصلين والرسميين الذين جاؤوا ليشاهدوا ازاحة الستار عن تمثاله البرونزي الجديد في حديقة كنيسة مار الياس- القنطاري. كان صدى كلمات ألقاها قبل 10 سنين تقريباً في المكان نفسه يتردد: "افهم قلة صبركم على الوضع اليومي الذي يبدو لكم انه لا يتغير(…). ان ما تتوقون اليه من تبدلات على ارضكم تلزمه اولا وقبل كل شيء تبدلات في القلوب. يعود اليكم ان تهدموا الحواجز التي امكنها ان ترتفع في اثناء حقبات تاريخ وطنكم الاليمة. ويعود اليكم بناء جسور بين الاشخاص والأُسر والجماعات. ان للشدة وقتا وللنور وقتا، وكل شيء يمكن ان يتغير (…)".

وحدها الوجوه تغيرت، تقريباً. ووحدها قلة الصبر استمرت رغم تبدلات ربما لم تأت بكثير من التغيير. فعاد بابا السلام الى لبنان تمثالاً بنظرات حنونة ومطمئنة، تأملها حشد المصلين الغفير تحت شمس القنطاري الحارقة. هؤلاء أحبوا البابا، فكان ان اتاهم مرة جديدة في أحد العنصرة، علّ ألسنة النار تفيض فتتبدل القلوب ويعاد ترميم الجسور التي انقطعت.

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Picutres from satirical political program “Bassmat Watan”

 Lebanese Hizbollah supporters burn tyres during a protest in Beirut June 1, 2006, over a local comedy television programme (‘Basmat Watan’) broadcast on Thursday in which a comedian mocked the character of Hizbollah leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah . REUTERS/Ali Lamaa (LEBANON) Pls click READ MORE to view all pictures of this unfortunate event

Reuters – Jun 01 3:40 PM,

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Three hurt in Lebanon protests over TV Hizbullah

Nayla Razzouk, AFP, June 2, 2006 BEIRUT —  Three people were wounded during street protests overnight on Friday by followers of the Shia militant group Hizbullah after its chief Hassan Nasrallah was caricatured in a television satirical show. Dozens of young men briefly cut off the Beirut airport road by burning tires to block a highway located near Beirut’s southern suburbs – a stronghold of the Lebanese militant group, police said.

"God, Nasrallah and all of the southern suburbs," chanted the men, waving yellow Hizbullah flags. After the program ended late on Thursday, Hizbullah followers also staged nighttime protests in various parts of the capital, in several towns in southern Lebanon, and in the Bekaa Valley near the border with Syria. The protests only ended after Nasrallah personally made a plea for calm on television during the night in order "to protect the country’s security and stability".

He also called for the need to find ways to protect "political and moral values". "Three of us spent the night in hospital for treatment after we were beaten" by protestors in Beirut’s Christian neighborhood of Ashrafiyeh, said Sami Gemayel, son of former president and the supreme chief of the Christian party Kataeb, Amin Gemayel. Gemayel said that he suffered bruising to his back, and university students Gilbert Rizk and Bassam Samarani underwent surgery on their faces and noses. "We were awaiting the army to stop the protestors from entering Ashrafiyeh, and we did not want them to enter Monot street," which is lined with restaurants and nightclubs, he said.

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Samir Kassir

Reporters Without Borders today paid tribute to murdered Franco-Lebanese journalist Samir Kassir when 50 of its activists unfurled a giant Lebanese flag (150 sq. metres) bearing his portrait at Human Rights Plaza in Paris.

The worldwide press freedom organisation

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Northeastern appoints Aoun as president

Aoun, a native of Lebanon, earned his doctorate from the department of linguistics and philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1981. He said he’s looking forward to working with faculty, administration, students and alumni."As president, my first priority will be working with all of these constituencies to build on the momentum the university has created to propel it to even greater levels of excellence," Aoun said in a statement.

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Israel bombs militant targets in Lebanon

by Salim Yassine

BEIRUT (AFP) – Israeli fighter jets bombed Palestinian and Lebanese militant targets in Lebanon after guerrillas fired rockets into Israel in the fiercest cross-border violence seen this year. A fighter with the Lebanese Hezbollah militia and a member of a Syrian-backed radical Palestinian group were killed in the Israeli raids, while attacks from Lebanon left two Israeli soldiers wounded.

Each side blamed the other for the tit-for-tat attacks on the border, which remains highly volatile six years after Israel ended its 22-year occupation of southern Lebanon in May 2000. UN peacekeepers later said they had brokered a ceasefire, and calm appeared to have returned to the volatile area by early evening.

"Following intensive contacts with all parties throughout Sunday, UNIFIL has succeeded in obtaining a ceasefire which should take effect on the ground," Milos Strugel, spokesman for the UN Interim Force in Lebanon, told AFP.

Residents of the northern Israeli towns of Kiryat Shmona and Nahariya were ordered into shelters for several hours amid the fierce shelling but were later given the all-clear.

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Berri marks Lebanon’s Liberation Day by singing praises of Syria

By Leila Hatoum

BEIRUT: The speaker of Lebanon’s Parliament insisted Thursday that Damascus "welcomes and encourages" the Lebanese national dialogue and "has no problems with it." Nabih Berri, who made the comments during a celebration of Liberation Day six years after the Israeli withdrawal from most of the country’s Southern territories, said: "Lebanon is being used to besiege Syria and Syria is being used to hit the last vestiges of resistance and defense line against Israel in Lebanon.

"This way we will all be losers," he warned. "I call for the establishment of a true Lebanese-Syrian dialogue.

"I wonder why things are always portrayed in such a way that Syria is the one that stands as a barrier in the face of demands imposed on it," he added. "Lebanon, on many occasions has refused proposals as well."

Lebanese participants at the national dialogue table – as well as UN Security Council Resolution 1680 – have requested that Syria establish diplomatic ties with Lebanon and demarcate the countries’ border.

Syria has not yet given Lebanese Premier Fouad Siniora the green light to visit Damascus to discuss these matters, despite the fact that Resolution 1680, issued last week, "strongly encourages the Syrian government" to do so.

Berri had stormed out of a Parliament session Tuesday after a heated debate with MP and former Minister Bahij Tabbara, suspending it less than an hour after its start. The conflict with Tabbara was over Syrian-Lebanese relations, when Tabbara asked: "We want to know if the open doors to our officials in Syria were those of Syria’s prison doors, or what?"

Berri had made a statement on Monday that "Damascus’ doors are open for any Lebanese official," referring to a possible open road for Siniora to visit Damascus.

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Islamic Jihad leader killed in Lebanon blast

by Muntasser Abdallah

SIDON, Lebanon (AFP) – A leader of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, Mahmoud al-Majzub, has been killed in a car bomb attack in Lebanon’s main southern city of Sidon. Majzub’s brother Nidal, who had been beside him at the time of the blast, was killed instantly, while the Jihad militant was taken to hospital gravely wounded.

"Mahmoud al-Majzub succumbed to his wounds despite all the efforts to save his life," said a source from Sidon hospital where he was being treated hours after the blast.

Islamic Jihad, one of the most extreme Palestinian movements and responsible for all the most recent suicide attacks inside Israel, vowed to take revenge. But the Israeli army insisted it was not responsible.

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