
New ‘hit list’ of prominent Lebanese delivered to ISF officers

By Jessy Chahine , Daily Star staff, Friday, January 13, 2006 , BEIRUT: A new "hit list" of prominent Lebanese personalities whose lives are said to be in danger was delivered to senior officers of the Internal Security Forces, The Daily Star learned Thursday. Several well-known television hosts are included in the list and at least two of them have left the country. Marcel Ghanem, host of "Kalam al-Nass," a popular political talk show on Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC), will for the foreseeable future be broadcasting his show from Paris. The Daily Star has learned that Ghanem, along with seven other names, was included on a list that was supplied to the ISF by the American Embassy in Lebanon.

The other names included Ali Hamade, a senior writer at An-Nahar and also Future TV host of the political show "Al-Istihqaq." He is the brother of Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamade, who is also on the list. Some of the other names are Fares Khashan, host of Future TV political show "Al-Tahkik," Walid Jumblatt, head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Tripoli MP Elias Atallah, Social Affairs Minister Nayla Mouawad, and Beirut MP Saad Hariri. The warning letter from the U.S. Embassy included strong recommendations to enhance the personal safety of those named, while simultaneously advising them to reduce their mobility as much as possible.

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LEBANON: Trial of human rights defender postponed

BEIRUT, 12 Jan 2006 (IRIN) – The trial of a prominent human rights lawyer due to appear in a Beirut court earlier this week has been adjourned to 20 March due to procedural errors.Muhammad Moghraby was accused of "slandering the army establishment and its officers" after delivering a speech to a European Parliament delegation in Belgium on 4 November 2003. In the speech, Moghraby criticised Lebanon

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الاتحاد المارون&

المؤتمر الوطني لدعم خيار المقاومة، ما إلا لدعم استمرارية الإرهاب", نيويورك في 7 كانون الثاني- 2006, شبل الزغبي-فلوريدا,  ردا على المؤتمر الوطني لدعم خيار المقاومة الذي انعقد الأسبوع الماضي في الاونيسكو في بيروت , يهم الاتحاد الماروني العالمي أن يوضح ألأمور التالية:  حاول المؤتمرون رفع شعار المقاومة ظاهريا ولكن باطنيا وضع لبنان خارج الإرادة الدولية, محاولة منهم تشريع سلاح حزب الله. علما أن اتفاق الطائف (ألبند ألثاني/1) وقرار مجلس الامن  1559 قاضيين تجريد جميع الميليشيات من سلاحهم وتسليمهم إلى الدولة اللبنانية. إن ثقافة المواطنية لا تنبع إلا ببث روح الهوية اللبنانية الحافظة لكياننا اللبناني وأي دمج للهوية اللبنانية بالهوية العربية ما هو إلا تزوير لتاريخ وحضارة تعود إلى الآف ألسنين. إن الاستقرار والسلم الأهلي يكونا فقط ببسط سلطة الدولة بقواها الشرعية على جميع الأراضي اللبنانية.  

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Lebanese travels around Brazil showing Arab handicraft

AnBA, Radwan Raad, who has been based in the city of Curitiba for around six years, is working on propagating art made in the Arab countries among the Brazilians. From Syria and Lebanon he brings from towels to items made out of marquetry and wall carpets. Raad has a shop in the southern Brazilian state of Paran

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Lebanese billionaire: I was set up

KUALA LUMPUR: Lebanese businessman Dr Elie Youssef Najem, who announced he was making a US$275mil (RM1.04bil) donation for cancer research, has landed himself in an unwanted spotlight.  The 45-year-old self-professed billionaire came out in defence of himself following allegations made against him. 

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Palestinian guerrilla wound two Lebanese policemen (Roundup

Beirut/Damascus – The Palestinian gunman who shot and wounded two Lebanese policemen Monday south of Beirut, has been handed over to Lebanese authorities, a spokesman for the militant Palestinian organization of which he is a member told Deutsche Presse Agentur dpa. The policemen, who were on patrol in the area of Naameh, were taken to hospital after being hit by gunfire from the nearby base manned by the pro-Syrian Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC).

One of the policemen was wounded in the foot while the other was more seriously wounded, hospital sources said. Anwar Raja, a spokesman for the PFLP-GC in Lebanon told dpa the group had handed over the attacker, but suggested the incident had been ‘planned’ and called on Lebanon to investigate the two policemen for possible political connections.

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Belgian prosecutor expected to head Lebanon UN probe

By Evelyn Leopold, UNITED NATIONS, Jan 11 (Reuters) – A Belgian prosecutor with the International Criminal Court is expected to be named on Wednesday as head of the U.N. investigation into the death of a former Lebanese prime minister, U.N. officials said. Serge Brammertz, now the deputy prosecutor of the Hague-based court, would replace German prosecutor Detlev Mehlis, who intends to leave the inquiry into the assassination of Rafik Hariri shortly after a replacement is chosen.

The appointment of Brammertz, a former federal prosecutor of Belgium, was to have been announced a month ago. But U.N. officials said Secretary-General Kofi Annan delayed the appointment because the Brammertz first needed to assure governments who support the International Criminal Court (ICC) that his departure would not delay investigations in Sudan, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Brammertz would take a leave of absence from the ICC, which was set up more than two years ago to prosecute individuals suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

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LEBANON: Critics allege lack of transparency in hospital survey

BEIRUT, 9 January (IRIN) – Alleged irregularities in a hospital survey last week have left the health sector in turmoil, say health workers. The survey report, conducted by a committee of Lebanese and Australian health professionals under contract with the health ministry, revealed that only 86 out of 160 of the country’s hospitals had received accreditation.

Survey results, however, were marred by allegations concerning a lack of transparency and unfair procedures. "In my area [of North Lebanon], some non-accredited hospitals are much better than others that deserve to be closed, and which passed the accreditation exam," said local resident Mayssa Romanos. According to a public official who requested anonymity, "many factors

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