
LEBANON: Press federation to press charges against killers of slain journalist

BEIRUT, 8 Jan 2006 (IRIN) – The Lebanese Press Federation announced it would press murder charges against those involved in the killing of journalist and Member of Parliament Gebran Tueini, who died in a car-bomb attack on 12 December 2005 in the capital, Beirut.According to a statement, federation president Mohammad Baalbaki commissioned has lawyers to "file a lawsuit against everyone which the investigation proves to be a perpetrator, accomplice, instigator or participant in this hideous crime."

As editor-in-chief of independent daily Al-Nahar and a vocal anti-Syrian human rights advocate, Tueini "became a target to the enemies of free opinion," the federation stated.The lawsuit comes in addition to the legal case filed by Tueini

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Middle East needs Russian-U.S. cooperation – General Aoun

BEIRUT, January 7 (RIA Novosti) – Former army commander and prime minister of Lebanon Michel Aoun said in an interview with RIA Novosti Sunday that cooperation between Russia and the U.S. is important for the world as a whole, including the Middle East."Russia is now not a side in the conflict, it plays the role of helper in funding the needed solutions, and this is right," he said.

"The arms race [between the U.S. and the Soviet Union] and creating threats for one another has become a thing of the past, and there is now an exchange of interests, a mutually complementary search for important solutions, which is having a positive effect on the world as a whole, particularly in the Middle East region," Aoun said.On Russia’s role in the Middle East in recent years, General Aoun said, "Moscow has no direct influence on events in Lebanon, but it is capable of significantly altering the progress of events in the region with its membership of the UN Security Council, as a state with a veto right."Aoun said Russia is attempting to reduce international pressure on Lebanon’s neighbor Syria, without imposing any conditions on its leadership. "Russia defends Syria to give it another chance, but Syria should, in its turn, pass a lot of tests to justify this relationship," he said.

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Lebanese MP Calls for ‘International Trial’ of Syrian Regime

Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat- Walid Junblatt, head of the Democratic Gathering bloc in the Lebanese parliament, has continued his campaign against the Syrian regime, which he described as a "family regime." He rejected any settlement with this regime "after the assassinations and assassination attempts it carried out in Lebanon." Junblatt explained to Asharq al-Awsat some aspects of the telephone interview conducted with him by the newspaper Washington Post two days ago, considering that the talk that he called on the United States to invade Syria was a "hasty interpretation" of what he said, but at the same time he called for change in Syria "because the Syrian people deserve this." Junblatt said "the Syrian regime’s filibustering with regard to an international trial and its exertion of pressure on some parties in Lebanon regarding this subject is aimed at escaping an international solution similar to the trial of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosivic.

 He emphasized that "the only solution is this method (international trial), which will put both Syria and Lebanon at ease." Junblatt explained that the his talk that the Americans came to Iraq in the name of the majority does not mean that invasion is the solution, considering this "a hasty interpretation" of his talk, but he stressed that "one day there must be democratic change in Syria that will give the people the chance (to govern themselves). Until now the regime in Syria is a family regime and not the regime of the Ba’th Party or the regional command of that party. The Syrian people deserve a chance to govern themselves."

Asked whether he supported change, regardless of the method, Junblattt said: "Syria has capacities and efficiencies that can carry out a democratic and peaceful change." He strongly rejected the "blackmail" practiced by the Syria regime, which is telling the international community "either us or chaos." He cited several examples of the downfall of regimes similar to the Syrian regime, such as the collapse of the former USSR and its satellite regimes.

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5 January 2006, Lebanon: Latest charge against human rights lawyer Dr Muhamad Mugraby must be dropped and all harassment against him ceaseHuman rights lawyer Dr Muhamad Mugraby is due to appear before the Military Court in Beirut on 9 January charged with slandering the

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Security reasons restrict entry of Lebanese,
KUWAIT CITY: Kuwait and other GCC states have decided to implement strict measures while recruiting workers from Lebanon and Syria and some other unidentified states, reports Al-Seyassah daily quoting reliable sources. This came in response to news reports which said the GCC states have received intelligence information from Beirut and Damascus that the Lebanese security forces had seized from unidentified persons 500 blank Lebanese passports during the withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon on April 26, 2005. Security authorities in the GCC states believe unscrupulous persons might use such passports to carry out hostile actions against GCC states.

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Straw urges Syria to cooperate with U.N

By Alaa Shahine, BEIRUT (Reuters) – Foreign Secretary Jack Straw urged Syria on Wednesday to cooperate with a U.N. inquiry into the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri and respect the sovereignty of its smaller neighbour.Straw made his comments as diplomats said Syria had agreed to allow U.N. investigators to interview its foreign minister over the killing but was still considering a request for a meeting with President Bashar al-Assad.

"We urge and continue to urge Syria to cooperate fully with those (U.N.) resolutions in particular with the United Nations investigation into the assassination," Straw said at a joint news conference with Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora."What we want to see is the government of Syria … meeting its international obligations … including the full recognition of the Lebanon as a sovereign, independent state."Straw was the most senior British official to visit Lebanon since Hariri’s assassination in February.The killing sparked weeks of street protests that forced Syria to bow to international pressure to withdraw its troops from Lebanon in April, ending a three-decade military presence and years of political domination.

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Jumblat Calls on America to Do in Syria What it Did in Iraq

CGGL Staff  Local Media  01/05/2006 Beirut, January 5:  A syndicated columnist reported in an opinion piece published today in the Beirut Daily Star and partly carried in Arabic by other Beirut daily newspapers that Walid Jumblatt told him in a telephone interview, when asked what he wanted from America: "You came to Iraq & you can do the same thing in Syria." The piece was written by David Ignatius, who opened up by referring to gangster movies. He spoke first of the television interview by former Syrian VP Abdel Halim Khaddam, whom he called an old mafia don and a turncoat, then turned his attention to Jumblatt.   

To understand the latest turns of the screw in Syria and Lebanon, Ignatius wrote,  I spoke by telephone yesterday with Walid Jumblatt, the leader of Lebanon’s Druze community and something of a warlord himself. Ignatius added: The Druze leader is holed up in his ancestral fortress of Moukhtara, in the Chouf Mountains. Like other Lebanese I spoke with this week, he fears a deadly new attack by the Syrians that would attempt to trigger sectarian conflict in Lebanon — and take the heat off Damascus. Jumblatt argues that the only stable outcome will be regime change in Syria — a "Milosevic solution" that will bring Assad to justice through the United Nations.

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LEBANON: Resurgence in landmine injuries, fatalities

BEIRUT, 2 January (IRIN) – After a steady decrease in the number of landmine victims since the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon in 2000, last year witnessed a sudden resurgence of cases. In December alone, three girls were injured by an unexploded cluster bomb in the south of the country, leading one to have her leg amputated. A foreign worker also had to have a leg amputated after stepping on a landmine at a construction site in Beirut. "We have 21 survivors and five killed this year," Brigadier General Salim Raad, director of the National De-mining Office, established in 1998, said. "The numbers have almost doubled in comparison to 2004." According to Raad, poverty is the main reason behind the increase in cases.

"Farmers often use their land right up to the minefield fence," he explained. "A cow was once trapped in a neighbouring minefield and, being the farmer’s main source of income, he went to save her. They both died." Raad said that the economic situation was worsening in the country. Some reports suggest that some 28 percent of the country’s population live in poverty. In another incident a year ago, Ahmad al-Sahili stepped on a mine as he was helping a friend collect iron to sell in the Nabatieh area of South Lebanon, which has yet to be de-mined. The young mechanic, who had been set to travel to Gabon for better job prospects, was injured in his arms and left leg, and required the amputation of his right leg.

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Al-Zirqawi in Lebanon?

Abdel Wahab Badrakhan, Dar al Hayat, Is al-Zirqawi in Lebanon now? Statements on the Internet websites can take him anywhere. Yet, announcing that his organization is responsible for launching missiles from South Lebanon toward Israeli settlements is a clear message to the Americans rather than the Israelis.Guess who benefits from instigating such a message?Could it be Saddam Hussein, for instance, or the Iraqi resistance, which is striving to extend its struggle to Palestine through Lebanon? Of course not. Could it be "Hezbollah" or some Palestinian groups present in Lebanon, especially "the People’s Front – General Command"? The answer is also no, because these organizations cannot solely call in "Al Qaeda", welcome it, and bear its burdens. As such, if al-Zirqawi really arrived to Lebanon, the party that led him to Iraq led him to Lebanon, i.e. Syria and Iran.

It is most likely that the terrorist organization is not yet present in Lebanon; however, it is not unlikely that it has advocates therein. Did these advocates grow to have the potential to hold missiles and transpierce South Lebanon to launch them on Israel? If this is the case, the situation should alarm the Lebanese army first, and then Hezbollah. In other words, it should alarm the Lebanese government with its rift between Syrian proponents and opposers. Such transpiercing is unjustified except for mere destructive motives and has nothing to do with smart "resistance" that the Lebanese supported -despite the divergence in points of views – and still refuse to undermine its importance. As long as these suspicions swirled around the "General Command" with respect to launching the missiles, this organization has become, following the report of "al-Qaeda", either "innocent" or on the contrary linked to "al-Qaeda". In both cases, its status must be clarified, since this is not the first suspicion that it has been subjected to.

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Good News in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon
by James Zogby, (Tuesday January 03 2006)

"Despite regional and domestic concerns specific to their countries, Saudis and Lebanese are more optimistic about their futures, more satisfied with their present circumstances, more focused on specific problems that must be solved, and more strongly identified with their countries…"

Significant changes are taking place in public opinion in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. Despite regional and domestic concerns specific to their countries, Saudis and Lebanese are more optimistic about their futures, more satisfied with their present circumstances, more focused on specific problems that must be solved, and more strongly identified with their countries than when we last polled in 2002. These are some of the findings of a Zogby International poll, conducted during the last half of October 2005. It was sponsored, in part, by the Young Arab Leaders organization, and the Arab American Institute. In an earlier column, I reported the poll

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