
كلودين ابنة الرئيس اللبناني ميشال عون:... - طقس الجليل وشمال البلاد |  Facebook

The daughter of Lebanese President Michel Aoun Raoukouz and chairman of the National Committee for Women in Lebanon, Claudine Aoun, said in an interview with the local television network Al-Jadid that she supports peace with Israel. During the interview, Aoun said: “We have our problems. The question of marking the borders, our natural resources and the Palestinian outposts. These are problems that make our economy difficult. Once these problems are resolved, I do not see a problem with Lebanon signing a peace agreement with Israel.” . “Before talking about peace, we must demarcate the borders and solve the problems related to our land,” she wrote on September 24, referring to a dispute over the maritime border between the countries, which is currently being negotiated with Israel via indirect US-brokered talks, and several minor land disputes. In Sunday’s tweet, Aoun added that the Palestinian refugee issue would have to also be solved — one of the core problems of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is only likely to be resolved as part of a general peace agreement between the two sides. “Once these problems are solved, I would not object to the prospect of a peace agreement between the Lebanese state and Israel,” she said.