
north, korea, kim, air, force, drills, appearance

by — North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un missed another national holiday on Saturday, fueling rumors and reports of his health. But U.S. intelligence sees no sign of unusual military activity that would suggest something amiss. “Regional militaries in the Western Pacific and Asia, including those of our partner nations, remain at readiness levels consistent with historical norms,” a senior Pentagon official told Newsweek because they were not authorized to speak on the matter. “We have observed no indications or received any additional information to make a conclusive assessment on the status of North Korean leadership or health of Kim Jong-un,” the official added. “We continue to monitor the situation.”

But Kim Jong Un, believed to be 36 and usually the center of his society, was still nowhere to be seen Saturday as his country commemorated Military Foundation Day. The Stimson Center’s 38 North monitor shared satellite imagery showing that a roughly 820-feet long train has appeared at the North Korean head of state’s compound in the east coast city of Wonsan in recent days. The supreme leader has not appeared in public since his country’s closely-controlled media published photos of him two weeks ago attending aerial exercises and presiding over a politburo meeting of the ruling Korean Workers’ Party Central Committee. His failure to appear days later at Day of the Sun celebrations dedicated to his grandfather, national founder Kim Il Sung, first sparked speculation regarding his well-being that the official told Newsweek may not be unfounded. “With the presence of the train and his absence from two major events, there is certainly credibility to report that KJU is either in a serious health condition or potentially deceased,” the official said. “Since he is perceived as a deity in NK, his death would instantly trigger nationwide indications, so there is potential that the government had delayed an announcement in order to have everything in place to maintain security across the country,” the official added.

Reached for comment by Newsweek, a Department of Defense spokesperson said the Pentagon had “no information” to share with respect to Kim Jong Un. “We continue to maintain a high state of ‘Fight Tonight’ readiness and robust combined defense posture to protect the Republic of Korea against any threat or adversary,” the spokesperson said.

Rumors of Kim Jong Un’s state have been fueled by unnamed sources speaking to outside media outlets. Daily NK, a South Korea-based site with ties to a U.S. Congress-funded think tank among other institutions, cited an anonymous individual in North Korea reporting Monday that Kim had undergone heart surgery and was recovering at a family villa near the Mount Myohyang hospital where he reportedly received treatment. CNN later that same day cited a U.S. official saying intelligence was monitoring Kim was in grave danger after the alleged procedure. On Tuesday, Newsweek cited two senior U.S. intelligence officials reporting Kim Jong Un’s last proof of life was April 18, but there were no major changes in the status of the country’s armed forces. One official called this “the biggest indicator” that something major may be occurring in the reclusive militarized state still technically at war Washington and Seoul since their 1950s conflict. As conjecture mounted Friday following a Reuters report that Chinese doctors had been dispatched to advise on Kim’s health and a Hong Kong Satellite Television report claiming his demise, Newsweek again found no definitive evidence of upheaval in North Korea, citing a senior Pentagon official who continues to monitor the situation. Michael Madden, an expert who closely watches North Korean affairs and runs the 38 North-affiliate North Korea Leadership Watch blog, said the lack of unusual military activity cast doubt on reports of Kim Jong Un’s death. “There’s no movements in the country or around it. If he kicked the bucket something would be observable,” Madden told Newsweek.