
By Fr. Richard G. Cipolla
furor over Donald Trump’s election has many facets.  One is the reaction of students in elite
colleges on the East and West coasts who are so emotionally distraught that
they cannot take exams or who need counseling. 
This reaction, while not mitigating Trump’s foolish and vulgar comments,
bares the coddled and narcissistic essence of these students who live in the
bubble of fabulously wealthy academia, peopled with professors who look down on
those they profess to be in solidarity with and who despise the white, middle
class, non college educated, religious mass of people who make up much of this
country.  They despise these people,
because these people have failed to be enlightened by these self appointed
gurus who feel appointed to show them the error of their ways.  But these people have spoken. And most not
out of prejudice or bigotry or stupidity, but because they feel they have been
left out, they have no jobs, and they do not want, among other things, gender
neutral bathrooms.  They think it is
silly to even talk about such things, that this is not in accord with reality,
a reality not grounded in the self but in reality outside of themselves. 
The earthquake has happened, but one must not put one’s hope
in anyone in this singular situation.  At
least none of the personages in the current scene of the drama. But we can be
grateful that we now have some time, and who knows how long, to consider where
we have been and where we are. And by we, I mean Catholics: bishops, priests,
deacons, religious, and above all lay Catholics.