

by Beirut – Head of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea declared that “Hezbollah’s” regional ambitions that serve Iran “will never be achieved,” reported the German news agency (DPA) He urged “Hezbollah” and its Iranian backers to “abandon the dream of establishing the ‘Wilayet al-Fakih’ in the region.” “The party completely forgot Lebanese priorities and interests and it forgot that several joint interests exist between Lebanon and the Arab Gulf region,” he told DPA. He vowed that he will continue his efforts to discuss the “heavy price” that the Lebanese state has to pay over “Hezbollah’s” actions, adding that he will bring this issue up at cabinet. Geagea stated however that the government will not take a “firm” stance on this issue. “We will carry out contacts with each of the president and prime minister. We know that they are currently insisting on the importance of preserving calm on the internal scene and they believe that addressing such matters could lead to destabilization,” said the LF leader. “We will propose it however and see what happens. Ultimately, we hope that our country and economy will not be affected by accusations that are made by a certain faction that does not represent the entire Lebanese state,” he revealed.

In addition, he addressed “Hezbollah” chief Hassan Nasrallah’s recent call on volunteers from the Arab and Muslim worlds to join the battle should Israel wage a new war against Lebanon. Geagea said: “Such a call is a violation of the legitimacy of the Lebanese state and government. It is a usurpation of its right to have a say over such strategic decisions. It is also a violation against the legitimacy of the people that have repeatedly proven their courage in defending their country without anyone’s help.” “I will not go into a deep analysis of this call … because it is completely rejected,” he told DPA. On Iran’s role in the region, Geagea remarked: “Unfortunately, the Islamic Republic has its own agenda that contradicts the interests, goals and existence of several societies in our Arab region. Iran’s project revolves around expanding its clout, establishing a Shi’ite line of ascension and spreading the ‘Wilayet al-Fakih’ in all possible ways.” “It has so far not wavered in its pursuit to destabilize regimes that stand against this dream,” he continued. “We have repeatedly declared that this dream will not be achieved and we repeatedly called on the Iranian authorities to focus on the affairs of its people,” said Geagea.