
#WhatAShame Help Identify the adults behind this cruelty!!! #AnimalRights. It was difficult for to post this but we need to inform our readers to Make it Stop!!!

(BEIRUT, LEBANON) — A Lebanese animal rights group has responded to a circulating video which showed a Lebanese boy throwing a live kitten to its death from a towering balcony.

The graphic video begins with an unidentified man offering the boy, who was identified as Mario, a $10 bet for throwing the kitten.

Animals Pride And Freedom, a Baabda-based organization, called for an immediate investigation into the “brutal act.”“Is this how we raise the men of tomorrow?” the group asked in a Sept. 3 statement on Facebook. “What can we expect from the future of a child who was raised on brutality and cruelty?”


The statement asked anyone with information to contact the organization.

The video prompted hundreds of reactions on social media, mostly condemning animal cruelty and calling for more animal rights in Lebanon.

“No education, no love, no compassion,” wrote one Facebook user. “I have heard and witnessed enough horrible stories of atrocities towards animals.”