
Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri attends a Suhour banquet held in his honor by former Minister Mohammed Safadi

Beirut – Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri promised on Sunday to hold a cabinet session in Tripoli to endorse the city’s much-needed development projects. Speaking during a “Ramadan Suhour” held in his honor by former Minister Mohammad Safadi in Batroun, Hariri said: “Today, a new atmosphere prevails in the country that is in the interest of Lebanon as a whole, and Tripoli in particular.” Addressing ministers, deputies and prominent dignitaries representing the North region, Hariri said: “God willing, we will meet again in Tripoli. We are seeking to fulfill the interests of Lebanon and Tripoli, which really need a lot of work.” Thanking Safadi for his kind hospitality, the prime minister highly valued their “deep and honest friendship”. Safadi, for his part, lauded the Lebanese premier’s determination to tackle the needs of Tripoli and its surrounding region. In remarks last month, Hariri underlined the need to develop solutions, projects, and programs to address problems facing the northern city of Tripoli. “Tripoli, which was oppressed in recent years due to deliberate rounds of fighting and tensions, and to the distortion of its open, educated and moderate image, has a historic opportunity and we will not allow anyone to spoil it,” Hariri said during the opening of the “Tripoli Development Conference”, which was organized by the Safadi Foundation at the Grand Serail in May.