

by naharnet – Prime Minister Saad Hariri received at the Center House
on Friday the Estonian President, Kersti Kaljulaid, and the accompanying
delegation, where the meeting focused on bilateral relations and the
work of the Estonian contingent in the UNIFIL in south Lebanon, Hariri’s
media office said. After the meeting, Kaljulaid said: “Estonia is the
incoming rotating president of the European Union Council. It is
important for us to get a feeling of the hopes and views of the Lebanese
people about the possible developments in the region and how the
international community, based on democratic values and freedoms, can
help the Lebanese people achieve continuous economic growth, to solve
the major issues that the country is facing in the context of refugees,
and to secure peaceful development for the whole region”.

“Definitely, we are ready to provide our knowledge to you on developing digital society,” added the President. “Estonia is very proud that in 2016 it counted as the
fourth biggest per-capita contributor to the UN peacekeeping missions.
Our biggest mission is in the south of your country and I am going to
visit them this afternoon and tomorrow,” she added. For his part, Hariri said: “I want to thank you for
coming to Lebanon, for the participation of Estonian soldiers to UNIFIL
and for everything you have done for this country. We hope that this
relationship enhances itself by our cooperation together. “We will make sure to cooperate more in the future. We
understand that you have done a lot in e-government and this is
something we would like to implement in our country so hopefully we can
work together to do that”.