
woman on laptop

by Inc,  John Nemo, Inc.

If you want to discover how to attract clients using LinkedIn,
it’s critical to understand what your ideal audience on that
particular platform wants… and what they don’t. For instance, they’re not interested in reading an
online version of your work résumé. (In fact, that’s about as far
away as you can get from creating
a killer LinkedIn profile.

They do want to know, as quickly as possible, who
you are, what product or service you provide, and how that
product or service can help them achieve their goals. They also have to know how to take next steps to working with
you, so they are going to be frustrated if you don’t place
your contact information in some strategic places.

I want to show you how to create a client-attracting,
lead-generating LinkedIn profile in five minutes or less.

Before I get there, however, I need to make one thing clear: If
you want to attract your ideal clients and customers on LinkedIn,
you must adhere to these two core tenets: Speed and
. The fastest way to ensure you deliver on those two key elements
is to think about one simple reality: How most of us tend to
consume content online

Even as you’re reading this post, you’re likely flicking along on
your phone or scrolling on your laptop, scanning and moving fast,
stopping only when something stands out and grabs your attention.
Your ideal customer is doing the same.

When it comes to laying out your LinkedIn profile in a way that
appeals to prospects who are quickly scanning to see if you have
what they need, the “copy and paste” template below works as well
as anything I’ve seen on the platform.

Best of all, the entire process should take less than five

The copy-and-paste template for generating leads on

(Note that I use ALL CAPS for sections like “WHAT I DO” and “WHO
I WORK WITH” to help those headers stand out, since LinkedIn, as
of this writing, doesn’t allow you to use bold or italic text on
your profile page.)

by providing [MY PRODUCT or SERVICE].

TYPE] including:

[Insert Bulleted List of Job Titles, Industry Names, Client
Types, etc.]

WHY IT WORKS: When you partner with [MY COMPANY NAME], you get
the most efficient, effective, and affordable [PRODUCT or
SERVICE] that [TARGET AUDIENCE] are looking for right now.

WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT: [Answer that question! What makes you
unique/different/better than similar vendors or competitors? XYZ
years of experience? Certifications/Patents/etc.? Something

WHAT OTHERS SAY: [Copy and paste two-three testimonials in this
area. Make them specific to the product or service you’re
offering or the industries you’re serving. Focus on the results
clients got from using your product or service. Include the full
name of the person and his or her company to give your
testimonials more legitimacy.]

HOW IT WORKS: [Explain how your process — “we start with a free
evaluation, we do an analysis of your website’s SEO rankings,”

READY TO TALK? Feel free to connect with me here on LinkedIn,
drop me a line at [EMAIL ADDRESS], visit me online at [WEBSITE
URL] or call me directly at [PHONE NUMBER].

Look here: Great LinkedIn summary examples

If you want to see some great examples of how LinkedIn
students of mine have followed this format to
near perfection with their LinkedIn profile summary sections,
check out these profile pages:

Your turn — update your LinkedIn summary!

Time to take action! Copy and paste the template above into your
LinkedIn summary section, then leave a comment below and let me
know how it turns out!

Read the original article on Inc.. Copyright 2016. Follow Inc. on Twitter.