
Nizar Zakka Speaking at the WSIS Forum 2015 01.jpg

Nizar Zakka

By AmericanThinker 

Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Iran’s
ransom demand of $4 million to release a Lebanese-American permanent
resident was entirely predictable based on our payment of $1.7 billion
in cash for the release of other Americans in Iranian custody earlier
this year.

Washington Examiner:

“Just as I feared, the Iranian regime now has more American hostages and wants more money,” Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., told the Washington Examiner Wednesday.

Obama administration’s $1.7 billion cash payment to Iran wasn’t just
bad policy — it put additional lives at risk. … Iran should release
all American hostages immediately and unconditionally,” said Royce.

Royce also noted that President Obama threatened
to veto his bill to bar additional “ransom payments.” Obama argued at
the time that the measure is aimed at solving a problem, the “so-called
ransom payments, that does not exist.”

Zakka, a Lebanese citizen and permanent resident of the United States,
has been imprisoned in Iran for more than a year and last month was
sentenced to 10 years in Iranian prison on charges of spying, which he

On Tuesday, Zakka said through his attorney that Iranian officials told him it would take $4 million from the U.S. to win his release, and that he would remain in prison until the payment his made.

and other Republicans have argued for months that the Obama
administration has given an incentive to Iran to take and host hostages
in return for ransom payments by timing out a $400 million cash payment
to Iran in January in order to ensure the release of four American
hostages, along with a $1.3 billion cash payment just days later.

administration is refusing to acknowledge that the Iranians view these
payments as “ransom.”  This denial of reality is surreal in the face of
facts that totally contradict the administration’s narrative:

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., who formerly chaired the House Foreign
Affairs panel, said Wednesday that the prisoners held in Iran are “pawns
in a dangerous game as Iran continues to use the nuclear deal as
leverage to extract more and more concessions from the U.S.”

obvious consequence of paying ransom to terrorists is that you have
just demonstrated that hostage taking can be financially beneficial,”
she told the Examiner. “The administration and all responsible
nations must take a stand and take immediate action to secure the
unconditional release of all hostages and put an end to Iran’s repeated
violations of human rights.”

Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies said the Obama
administration’s view of the $1.7 billion in cash payment matters far
less than what the Iranians think about it.

was more important to ask is whether the Iranians viewed it that way
[as a ransom payment],” he said. “And now, it appears clear that they

main reason for the administration’s delusions about the ransom is the
fear that making Iran mad will cause them to nix the nuclear deal, thus
destroying President Obama’s “legacy.”  So the president pretends the
money going to Iran has nothing to do with any ransom demands while the
Iranians gleefully gorge themselves on cash and seize more Americans.

any American citizen or American holding dual citizenship with Iran who
travels there should have his head examined.  It’s debatable whether
the taxpayer should be paying ransom for the return of people who should
have known better about showing up in Iran in the first place.

as long as Iran threatens to leave the nuclear deal if we don’t keep it
happy, the Obama administration will continue to pay the “non-ransom”
to Iran and be humiliated by the fanatics in Tehran.