
Tania Kassis

by Vivian Haddad

Beirut-Under the sponsorship of the United Nations in Beirut, singer
Tania Kassis has launched a new song called “Al-Ard lel Jamii” (Land for
All). The event was hosted by ABC Ashrafieh Mall and was attended by a
number of ambassadors, politicians, and media figures.

A chorus of 100 vocalists from four musical bands participated in
this song, which speaks about the land of peace, that all people dream
about and that it can be reached through unity and love.

Speaking during the event, Kassis pointed that the song is a peace
appeal from Lebanon to the world in the midst of disappointment and
frustration that control today’s generation.

She said that she wanted this appeal to be universal and to address
the frustrated youth that is concerned about its future as a result of
the terrorist attacks worldwide. “Land for All”, which will be sang by
Kassis on July 9 at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, is
composed by Fadi al-Rai and distributed by Michel Fadel. The song is
taken from the international music “Vorto Carmina Burana” mixed with an
eastern rhythm. The song has been played by Kiev Orchestra led by
Maestro Vladimir Cerinco.

The song was launched in Arabic language in a video directed by Elie
Berberi in one of the ABC Mall’s cinema halls. The song will also be
issued soon in French and English versions. Kassis, who received a Murex
D’Or Award for the “best national song”, noted that all the video’s
scenes are real, and that the landscapes are taken from the documentary
“Rise above Lebanon”, which shows Lebanon’s exceptional beauty.

The Lebanese singer told Asharq Al Awsat that this song is like a
peace anthem that emphasizes a humanitarian message to save the world
from wars and devastation, and encourages coexistence regardless of
nationalities. She hoped the song will receive a positive impact in
Lebanon and the whole world, as it will be shown on local and foreign

Although Kassis studied in foreign schools, she accepted to sing this
song in the classical Arabic language because she believed that we
should be proud to speak in our mother language.

Lebanese MP Serge Torsarkissian lauded the humanitarian message
carried by Kassis since the beginning of her career, saying she was more
active than the official Lebanese ambassadors abroad.