

Laura Ingraham struck warned note of restraint of Fox News Sunday over the prospect of American intervention in Syria.

“I’m not going to sit here and in any way defend Barack Obama’s foreign policy,” Ingraham said, “but in this case we have to know with whom were dealing.”

Like Rand Paul on Friday, Ingraham objected to al-Qaida’s corruption of Syrian rebel forces, who are now attacking Christians in the region.

“We have entire Christian villages slaughtered, women and children, by the Syrian rebels,” Ingraham said. “The idea that were going to send arms to these people who are slaughtering Christians, and have one goal, which is to establish an Islamic caliphate thorught the Middle East—and, if they get their way, throughout Africa as well—is ludicrous.”

“Wait,” said a taken-aback Chris Wallace. “Are you saying let Assad stay in?”

“I’m saying America has got to grapple with this idea of a limited power in a world where the parties are unknown, where their intentions are unknown,” Ingraham said.