
Lebanese army soldiers on patrol, as their country's flag waves in the background. (AFP/File)

Daily Star

The Lebanese Army early Sunday released a short clip it said showed militant positions being blown up on the country’s northeastern border.

aerial footage was apparently shot Saturday afternoon, showing two
large, successive explosions caused by missiles at a militant base in a
rugged area on the outskirts of Arsal. The army identified the area targeted as Wadi al-Aoueini, saying a number of militants were killed and wounded in the attack.

The clip then cuts to a scene from the same site after the smoke began to clear showing an individual running. The footage also shows another site where about two dozen artillery shells struck a nearby valley.

Separately Sunday, the Hezbollah-affiliated War Media Center reported that party fighters destroyed a bunker belonging to Nusra Front militants on Arsal’s outskirt.

It later posted footage to its Twitter account showing the attack on the bunker in the area of Dahr al-Houra.

The report did not say if any casualties were recorded.

Thousands of Daesh and Nusra Front militants are believed to be holed on Lebanon’s northeastern border with Syria.

The army targets the area with artillery shells on a nearly daily basis.

and the Syrian army drove most of the militants out of the border
Qalamoun region in a wide offensive last year, but many still remain in
an area east of Arsal and nearby Ras Baalbek