

BEIRUT: Ali Wehbe, better known as the Lebanese Desert Runner for running in the harshest conditions across the globe, began his latest challenge last week: to run 12 marathons in 12 days.


“Every year, I choose a cause and I run for it,” Wehbe told The Daily Star, citing his mother’s death from cancer almost 10 years ago as his central motivation. “After my mom died right in front of me, I decided to do difficult things through sports and give motivational speeches,” he recalled. “Since then I have placed all my power into running for causes.”


Wehbe’s aim is to “shed light on disability cases,” he said, adding that he also trained a young autistic child to run last year. He has wanted to raise awareness about autism ever since. He hopes to raise money for the Lebanese Autism Society, which will use it to fund the construction of much-needed new facilities. [Link]