
Image result for kahwaji
By Gulf News

Dubai: Lebanese expatriates living in Gulf states should not involve
themselves in the political affairs of their host states, Lebanon’s Army
Commander General Jean Qahwaji said on Sunday. He stressed that it was important Lebanon maintain good relations with Gulf counries, according to the Kuwaiti daily Al Anbaa.

“Qahwaji reiterated eagerness to keep the best
relations with the Arab Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
the UAE and Qatar, which are hosting thousands of Lebanese as he
reminded of their offering to Lebanon during its time of crises,” the
news site quoted him as saying. “We do not want to boycott (relations) anyone,
nor do we want to intervene in the affairs of anyone. I have called on
the Lebanese expats working in the Gulf countries not to engage in
political affairs of the hosting states. People of the gulf, mainly
people of Kuwait, consider Lebanon their second home. We are aware of
the magnitude of emotion they have for Lebanon and its stability and the
Lebanese have the same feelings towards them,” he said.

Kuwait has a significant Shiite population and
has warned of Iranian meddling in their internal affairs exacerbating
sectarian tension.

Last year, a blast claimed by Daesh targeted the Shiite Al Sadiq Mosque killing 27 people.

Kuwait’s leaders have repeatedly emphasised
tolerance and national unity in the face of external plots seeking to
divide society.