Hotel owners in Lebanon are seeking to attract new guests
from Jordan as a slow tourism season impacts the country’s hospitality
sector. The Lebanese Syndicate of Hotel Owners secretary-general Wadih Kanaan
said that a delegation from Lebanese hotels will head to Jordan in a
bid to encourage Jordanians to visit the country, the Central News
Agency reports.
He said that the delegation would try to persuade Jordanian officials
to reduce the airport tax claiming that it is too high and is
discouraging visitors from travelling to Lebanon.
“We at the hotel sector refuse to surrender. But the state with all
its ministries needs to offer new initiatives to the private sector,”
Kanaan told the Central News Agency.
He added that the Middle East Airlines has agreed to reduce prices of
tickets from Jordan to encourage more Jordanians to visit Lebanon in
the future.
“The reduction of the plane ticket will snowball and we hope it will
achieve success. We hope to implement this scheme in Iraq, Iran and
Egypt,” he commented.
According to Kanaan, many hotels in Beirut have reduced prices by around 40% to attract potential tourists to stay.
Many hotel owners in Beirut have closed rooms or cut staff to reduce costs amid poor market conditions.