
by — BEIRUT – Lebanese investors are interested in doing business in Egypt, said chairman of the Lebanese economic entities Mohamed Shuqair Sunday. Lebanese investments are strong and the Egyptian market is very promising, Shuqair said in statements to MENA before leading a delegation to the Egyptian-Lebanese business forum in Cairo earlier today. Shuqair said that the quantum leap achieved in the infrastructure sector in Egypt has made it attractive to investors. He touched upon Egypt’s “encouraging” investment-friendly legislation that is the best in the Arab world. Shuqair urged investors to visit new economic zones in Egypt to get firsthand information about the volume of achievements there.

The Lebanese private sector is looking for new markets to tap, Shuqair told MENA, noting that Egypt is one of the most prominent markets in the Arab world. The Lebanese businessmen are also eyeing Egypt as an export gate to Africa, Shuqair said, noting that Cairo is party to many trade deals with African countries. Today’s forum is a great chance to benefit from promising investment opportunities in Egypt and strengthen trade exchange between the two Arab countries after a two-year hiatus, he added. Shuqair thanked Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli for sponsoring the forum in a sign of support for the Lebanese people.