Khazen – Lebanese
police arrested a prominent human-rights lawyer this week after he
accused government officials of complicity in a sex trafficking ring
involving Syrian refugees that was broken up earlier this year, Human Rights Watch said. Police detained Nabil al-Halabi, executive director of the Lebanese Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, in
a dawn raid on his home on Sunday after Interior Minister Nuhad Mashnuq
and a senior adviser filed separate lawsuits for libel and slander of a
public official, both criminal rather than civil offences in Lebanon.

called for Halabi’s immediate release, criticising both the manner of
his arrest and the jail sentence of up to one year if found guilty.

The lawyer’s comments were posted on Facebook came after Lebanese authorities broke up the country’s largest known sex trafficking network to date in late March, freeing at least 75 Syrian women being held captive.

Internal Security Forces said the women had been raped and beaten, with some showing signs of mutilation. 

one message, Halabi asked: “Who is protecting the human trafficking
ring in Lebanon?” and then alluded to Mashnuq without naming him.

In others, he said the interior ministry needs to “clean” itself up.

is by no means the only person to allege official complicity in sex
trafficking in Lebanon, which human-rights groups say has soared as a
result of the influx of desperate refugees from the five-year civil war
in neighbouring Syria.

Veteran Druze politician Walid Jumblatt has
accused “high-level officials in the moral police” of being “complicit”
in the trafficking.

But Halabi is the only one so far against whom criminal complaints have been announced.

lawyer has been a controversial figure since last year, when his
involvement in negotiations for the release of Lebanese soldiers and
troops held by al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group drew accusations he
was too close to the militants.

Last month, the lawyers’ syndicate stripped him of the immunity from prosecution that he was afforded as a syndicate member.

arrest for criticising Lebanese officials and the intimidating way it
was carried out sets a dangerous precedent,” HRW’s deputy regional
director Nadim Houry said in a statement late on Tuesday.

interior ministry may not like what Halabi wrote, but that didn’t give
them the right to storm into his house and lock him up”.

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