
by — The Lebanese Parliament approved the government on Thursday to continue in its caretaker capacity under the Constitution, Reuters reports. The announcement was made following a parliamentary session that discussed a letter by outgoing President Michel Aoun concerning the sacking of the government. Parliament Speaker, Nabih Berri, confirmed the decision which was unanimously approved. Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, said Sunday that his government will continue its duties in accordance with the Constitution. Aoun’s term as President ended Monday, amid a continued political deadlock in Lebanon.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives read out the text of the position taken by the House of Representatives, unanimously in the audience, after listening to Aoun’s message on the issue of forming the new government and after discussing it in accordance with the rules of procedure.

He said, “Based on the constitutional text about the origins of assigning a president to form the government and the method of formation in accordance with the constitution, and since no other constitutional text was reported on the course of this assignment and taking a position on it, and since the President of the Republic has undertaken binding consultations according to what was stated and after informing the Speaker of Parliament, it came As a result, President Najib Mikati was tasked with forming a government.

He added, “Considering that any position that affects this mandate and its limits requires a constitutional amendment and we are not about it today… so that one authority does not dominate over another, and the Council is keen not to enter into new charter and constitutional crises, and in order to ensure stability in a complex and dangerous economic, financial and social stage that requires giving priority For the work of institutions, the Council affirms the need to proceed in accordance with the constitutional principles by the Prime Minister, who is designated to carry out his duties as a caretaker government.

Withdrew from the parliamentary session, the “Lebanese Kataeb” and “Deputies for Change” bloc. The Speaker of the House of Representatives responded to the interventions of some deputies that preceded the discussion of the President’s message, who expressed their fear that “the aim of this message is to stir up sectarian strife.”