
Lebanese President Hopes to See Country's New Government Formed Soon

BEIRUT ( Sputnik – 31st December, 2019) President of Lebanon Michel Aoun on Tuesday expressed hope that a new Lebanese government will be formed in the coming days. “We are doing everything to overcome the difficulties. But we need society’s support … I hope that a government will be formed in the coming days and that next year the situation will gradually stabilize,” he said as quoted by his press service.

BEIRUT, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) — Tony Ramy, head of Lebanon’s Syndicate of Restaurants Owners, announced Tuesday that 500 restaurants were closed in Lebanon in 2019, local media reported. “What is even more serious is that 2020 could witness more closures due to the economic deterioration,” Ramy was quoted as saying by Elnashra, an online independent newspaper. Lebanon has been witnessing instability over the past two months due to nationwide protests against the ruling class. Pierre Ashkar, president of the Syndicate of Hotel Owners in Lebanon, said earlier that most of the hotels in Lebanon partially closed their floors to save costs.