
BBC news: Absence of the state’ – An-Nahar newspaper: The image on the right shows sandbags in 1975, the year that Lebanon’s Civil War broke out. On the left, the same scene, only with rubbish sacks

Time-bomb – Al-Joumhouria newspaper

Cartoon depicting a rubbish bag with a lit fuse as a bomb ready to go off.

"The solution lies in sorting rubbish" – Al-Joumhouria Green bin: "Political waste"; Yellow: "Terrorist waste"; Red: "Sectarian waste"

Ad-Dabbour magazine

Woman: "You didn’t tell me where you live… "

Man-sized rat: "Under your house, in the trash pile"

Reimagined flag

Twitter users have also used images to react to the crisis, including reversioning the national flag by replacing the traditional cedar tree with a pile of waste…