
Lebanon demands draft plan to return Syrian refugees

REUTERS — Lebanese Prime
Minister Tammam Salam told the international community that his country
is lacking capacity and funding to further take care of the 1.5 million
Syrian refugees it has sheltered on Monday (September 19).

Speaking at a sideline event of the 71st
session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on the global
refugee and migrant crisis, Salam said: “My country is in serious
danger. What the Lebanese have done by harboring one million and a half
Syrians for a population of four million is unprecedented. What the
Lebanese have done by spending close to 15 billion dollars they do not
have in three years to service the displaced Syrian population is
unprecedented. “

He went on to demand action from the international community to return the refugees. “Draft within three months a detailed
logistical mapping of the return in safety and dignity of the Syrians
now in Lebanon to Syria. Specifying transportation needs departure
locations and all associated costs,” he said. “Raising the financing required for this
plan should be started immediately. This will allow when circumstances
permit a swift implementation,” Salam added.

The United Nations estimates the Syrian civil war has killed 400,000 and displaced millions. World leaders are congregated at the
United Nations headquarters in New York to attend the General Assembly
meeting that will kick off on Tuesday (September 20).