
by — Two years after the Beirut port explosion on August 4, 2020, France expresses its total solidarity with the Lebanese people. We stand with the victims’ families and loved ones, whose memory we still cherish in Lebanon and France. Those responsible must be held accountable. The Lebanese judiciary must be able to conduct its work and conclude its investigation in a fully transparent manner that is free from any political interference. France has supported every stage of the investigations into the port explosion. We have replied to all the requests we have received in relation to the Lebanese investigation and will continue to do so. The Lebanese people expect the facts about the port explosion to be fully clarified. As President Macron said, justice must prevail; the Lebanese need to know the truth.

Together with our partners, France has kept its commitment to assist all vulnerable groups in Lebanon. That includes providing an additional €100 million in aid for the year, in keeping with the announcement made by President Macron on August 4, 2021, at the international conference organized with the UN in support of Lebanon. It is up to Lebanon’s political leaders to take the necessary decisions without further delay to lead the country out of the multifaceted crisis in which it is mired and to act in the country’s general interest. France will continue to stand with the Lebanese people, as always.