

by UN Interim Force in Lebanon – UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Michael Beary attended separate meetings in Beirut today with the President of Lebanon, Michel Aoun; the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri; and the Prime Minister, Saad Hariri. In his first meetings of 2018 with top Lebanese leaders, discussions focused on the situation in UNIFIL’s area of operations, especially along the Blue Line, issues related to the implementation of UNIFIL’s mandate under UN Security Council Resolution 1701, and the importance of the upcoming Rome II conference. “We had very constructive discussions,” said Major General Beary after the meetings. “I have emphasized UNIFIL’s steadfast support for the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), our strategic partner, as well as LAF’s exemplary resolve and professionalism in maintaining stability in the South.” Major General Beary highlighted UNIFIL’s efforts as part of the Strategic Dialogue proceyss to facilitate international assistance to LAF in the south, in coordination with the International Support Group for Lebanon. Major General Beary thanked each of the leaders for their support to UNIFIL’s mission and the commitment demonstrated to the extension of State authority to the south. “I also assured them of our continued best efforts to preserve the calm along the Blue Line and to work towards peace and stability in south Lebanon,” said Major General Beary.

In relation to the situation along the Blue Line, UNIFIL Head of Mission stressed the need for the parties to take advantage of UNIFIL’s liaison and coordination arrangements, including the Tripartite forum, to find solutions aimed at preventing violations, decreasing tension and maintaining stability in the area of operations. “Since 2006 the south of Lebanon has enjoyed an unprecedented period of calm. The unremitting support of the Lebanese authorities and the population has been crucial in the achievement of this prolonged stability,” the UNIFIL Force Commander said. UNIFIL currently has around 10,500 peacekeepers who maintain some 13,500 operational activities per month, by day and night, in the area of operations. UNIFIL is complemented by a six-vessel Maritime Task Force

BEIRUT, Jan. 19 (Xinhua) — Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Friday that Israel’s plan to build a wall along its border with Lebanon will undermine efforts by the peacekeeping mission and the Lebanese army. Aoun made the comments during his meeting at Baabda Palace with Michael Beary, the commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), according to a statement by the Presidential media office. Israel’s decision to build a wall within the demarcated Blue Line “doesn’t go in harmony with the efforts that the UNIFIL is exerting in cooperation with the Lebanese army to preserve security and stability along the southern border,” he said. Blue Line is a border demarcation between Lebanon and Israel published by the UN in 2000. “Lebanon doesn’t consider the Blue Line as the final border. It is a temporary measure that was used following Lebanon’s liberation in 2000 and Israel’s withdrawal,” Aoun said.