
The Lebanese army has regularly clashed with Daesh and al-Nusra Front on the Syrian border. (AFP/File)

by A military judge in Lebanon
on Wednesday sentenced 106 to death over participating in clashes with
the Lebanese army two years ago in the eastern town of Arsal near the
Syrian border, AFP reported.

The 73 Syrians, 32 Lebanese, and one Palestinian were convicted of belonging to “terrorist organizations,” participating in an attack on Arsal, and kidnapping and attempted murder of Lebanese soldiers and police officers. Of
the 106, 77 are in custody, but the remaining 29 are still at large,
including Abu Malek al-Talli, a leader in the al-Nusra Front. Daesh and al-Nusra kidnapped 30 soldiers and policeman during clashes with the Lebanese army in August 2014.

Sixteen of the captured men were released in exchange for several jailed islamists in Lebanon. The Lebanese army and Hezbollah have frequently clashed with Daesh and other militant groups along the Syrian border since the conflict erupted five years ago.