
LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – It must be noted that Islamists were not spared judgment. Five Muslim men were publicly flogged, each receiving 70 lashes for not fasting during the holy month. Muslims are required to not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan. A spokesman for Iran’s National Council of Resistance denounced the punishment as "savage" and called on the West to take action against Iran, according to the Daily Mail.

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"The silence of the world community, especially of western countries, vis-�-vis these medieval punishments under the excuse of having nuclear talks with Iran has intensified the brutal and systematic violation of human rights in Iran. "This will ultimately embolden the Iranian regime to continue its nuclear projects more than before," the council said. The United Nations has since issued a report condemning Iran for the persecution of Christians and other religious minorities. The report found that the country continues to imprison Christians based purely on their beliefs and even labels house churches, set up by Evangelicals, as "threats to national security." Iran is estimated to have Christian population of around 250,000, all of whom face suspicion, torture, imprisonment and even the death sentence for not following Islamic codes. Thousands have fled the country.