

Deficit spending is at all-time high. The health care law is set to increase the deficit by $210 billion in 2012-2021 (estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, the government’s nonpartisan fiscal umpire). What would you choose — the government to live within its means or continue to live with very attractive programs that it cannot afford to pay for?

How can you increase the number of jobs if you are taxing the 1 percent, of these few companies that are still hiring?
What would you rather choose — government to invest your wealth through taxes, or you invest with successful private enterprises such as Apple, IBM, Oracle, Pepsi-Cola, etc.?
Would you hire an experienced person for your enterprise? Or would you hire a person that is new or does not know the system well enough? Elect your officials by taking experience in consideration.
Think what you would do personally in your life, then cast your vote for your elected officials. Think of the same choices you would make for your personal finances and vote for the same policies to be applied.
Malek el Khazen